
Chronicle Garden Competition’s record number of entries

A record number of entries in the annual Chronicle Garden Competition will draw in thousands of visitors looking to explore natural beauty in the backards of Toowoomba region green thumbs.

Toowoomba’s parks are bursting with vibrant colours as their gardens begin blooming in time for the Carnival of Flowers, but it’s the record number of private gardens that open up each September that draw in thousands from across the country.

Chronicle Garden Competition entrants of 32 years, Bob and Val Ford, said the news that the competition had grown with an enormous uptick in entrants in 2023 was fantastic for the Garden City.

The married couple has been entering their Rangeville home’s garden since 1991, and they have been passionate ambassadors for the Carnival of Flowers and what it means to Toowoomba’s reputation to have the private gardens open each year.

Their iconic garden has taken out the prestigious Grand Champion spot in The Chronicle Garden Competition three times – 2015, 2016 and 2022 – but the real buzz they get is when they open their gates to the public between September 15-24.

Each year thousands and thousands of visitors marvel at the colourful creativity and floral arrangements that they painstakingly plant and maintain between February and September.

“People just love to come and ask questions, and we love the compliments,” Bob said.

“As you get older you have less people in your life and less friends, but people come to see when you open the garden, so we love it.

“I do feel like it really does keep me young.”

For those looking for inspiration or advice from an award-winning gardener – Bob has one main tip.

“The first thing I tell them is not to rush in and try and do a whole garden,” he said.

“Get an initial section completed, then start the next section, then go onto the next one.

“And remember that things grow so you will always be adding and deleting.

“There’s more to it than people realise.”

To grow and maintain an award-winning garden is no small feat, and despite the married couple both turning 80 this year, Bob insists he will never stop.

“(I’ll do it) until I drop dead,” he exclaimed.

“It could be tomorrow, it could be three years, but it makes you get up and go ‘I’ve got to go water the garden’.

“Otherwise what the hell am I going to do – I can’t watch TV, it drives me nuts.”

Toowoomba region gardeners will officially open up their private gardens from September 15-17 and 22-24 – however other gardeners, like Bob and Val, will have their gardens open on extra days.

Bob and Val’s award-winning garden can be found at 19 Burke St, Rangeville.

How to see Toowoomba’s private gardens

The Chronicle Garden Competition offers visitors the opportunity to visit the beautiful gardens that have been entered

There are so many amazing gardens to explore you’ll need The Chronicle Garden Competition Guide and map. Look for it in Friday, September 15 edition of The Chronicle newspaper. Copies can be purchased from our Info Hubs in Queens Park Botanic Gardens, Laurel Bank Park or at the Toowoomba Visitor Information Centre, 86 James Street, Toowoomba

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