
Darling Downs Scouts, Girl Guides perform 30th anniversary show for Revue called Rewind Through Time

Dozens of Darling Downs Scouts and Girl Guides are set to take to the stage in the coming days to celebrate a special milestone. We sat down with several cast members to hear about their future aspirations. Meet the cast here.

Nearly 30 Scouts and Girl Guides will take to the stage to celebrate three decades of the Darling Downs Revue with a variety show set to take audiences back in time.

Director Casey Sanders said the two hour performance will honour the special anniversary milestone by incorporating scenes from past productions since the Revue commenced in 1991.

The show Rewind Through Time will feature a mixture of songs, drama and skits with some themes including circus, scouting, Australia, medieval and Roald Dahl.

Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time including cast members (from left) Annika Madden, Taylor Titcume and Liam Harris. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time including cast members (from left) Annika Madden, Taylor Titcume and Liam Harris. Picture: Kevin Farmer

“Many hours were spent watching videos and reading scripts from past shows to incorporate snippets from every year,” Ms Sanders said.

“Being able to look back and see some of our older cast members who are all grown up now performing as children, has been an incredible experience.

“Our youngest performer this year is seven and our oldest is 25 so there’s a huge age difference and for every cast member we usually have two or three people working backstage.”

It marks the fourth show Ms Sanders has worked on as director but she first performed on stage as a scout in 1995.

Dakota Sharp (left) and Amber Sanders as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Dakota Sharp (left) and Amber Sanders as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

While she always enjoyed the performing arts, the former music teacher decided to put herself forward for the Revue’s director role when her daughter Amber joined the scouts.

The Darling Downs Revue will take place at Centenary Heights State High School’s Performing Arts Centre in Ramsay St on Friday at 7pm and Saturday at 1pm and 7pm.

Tickets can be purchased online at

Alice Matuszczak as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Alice Matuszczak as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Alice Matuszczak, 10

Taking to the stage for her second performance with the Darling Downs Scouts Revue will be Alice Matuszczak who will be performing many different roles including “Monkey Brat”.

Inspired by the monkeys from The Wizard of Oz, the 10-year-old said she essentially “acts like a little brat” and does a lot of cartwheels.

While Alice admits she was initially nervous in the lead-up to her performance last year, she felt fine once the curtains drew.

The year 5 student said she joined Scouts two years ago because she wanted to follow in the footsteps of her dad.

“Dad did Scouts here in Newtown but that’s just a Scout shop now,” Alice said.

“I enjoy making new friends at Scouts and Revue has given me more confidence.”

Unsure about the career she hopes to pursue in the future, Alice said she loves acting, dancing, art and maths problem solving.

Amber Sanders as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Amber Sanders as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Amber Sanders, 11

Stepping into various roles for the 2023 Revue production is Amber Sanders who has been cast as a “Country Dancer”, “Lighthouse Keeper”, “Scout” and one of the “Revolting Children” from Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical.

Not new to the spotlight, the 11-year-old has been involved in the Revue for almost five years and signed up for Scouts at the young age of six.

“I actually started going on camps when I was four because my mum is a Scout Leader so I’ve know most of the people for a long time,” Amber said.

“My favourite character (is the Scout) because I get to say lines and act more in that role.”

Amber said working hard to rehearse her lines had helped her to overcome her nerves over the years.

The year 6 student said her favourite aspect of Revue was seeing her friends as well as acting and dancing on stage.

With a growing interest in the medical world, Amber said she enjoys watching movies about doctors, helping others and wants to be a nurse when she’s older.

Annika Madden as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Annika Madden as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Annika Madden, 12

From playing a school student who is trying to start a riot to the “Super Dazzler” – a superhero based off the 80s Marvel Comic character, Annika Madden’s roles are chalk and cheese.

But the aspiring actor said she has thrived on diverse roles since she started working in theatre groups from the age of six.

The triple threat who can dance, sing and act not only performs with the Revue but is also an active member of the Toowoomba Choral Society and La Creme Dance Academy.

“Performing makes me feel good,” Annika said.

“This will be my seventh production through Revue but this year has been one of the best because it brings back old memories.

“My highlight has been our dance parties after rehearsals when we put music on and the entire cast and crew just start dancing.”

Annika said she joined scouts eight years ago to learn new life skills and build social connections.

When the year 7 student finishes high school, she hopes to act professionally with her sights set firmly on Broadway.

Briar Wieden as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Briar Wieden as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Briar Wieden, 22 (they/them)

For Briar Wieden, the feeling of escaping the hustle and bustle of the city to enjoy the calming space of nature was all the encouragement they needed to join the Scouts.

One of the group’s latest members to join, Briar only signed up last year making the 2023 Revue production their very first.

The 22-year-old said the character they had enjoyed playing the most this year was Sir Gummore in the Decrepit Knights scene because it involved lots of jokes and comedic moments.

“I joined Scouts as an adult which is a bit unusual but friends encouraged me to give it a go,” they said.

“Everyone has been so welcoming and encouraging and I definitely think more young adults should look into it.”

While Briar is new to the world of scouting, they grew up hiking in parts of Southern Queensland with their family, creating a safe space within nature for Briar to be themselves.

“I don’t have to worry what others think in the outdoors and I get to escape the pressures of everyday life,” they said.

“Conservation and sustainability are my two biggest passions so I love being out in nature.”

Briar, who currently works as a teacher aide, is also studying environmental science and hopes to one day work as a park ranger or environmental officer.

Dakota Sharp as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Dakota Sharp as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Dakota Sharp, 13

Performing in the opening song No Business Like Show Business will be Dakota Sharp as the “Sparkles Dancer”.

The 13-year-old said she first got involved with Scouts four years ago when her older brother William signed up with the Darling Downs group after attending an open day event.

Dakota said in addition to learning new skills, the scouting experience had helped the siblings form a close-knit bond.

“I like learning how to survive in the bush, navigate my way around and cook on open fires when we go camping,” Dakota said.

“We also do Messy Nights where we do art and craft and science experiments like making slime or blowing up watermelons.”

Unsure about her future career aspirations, the year 7 student said her interests included spending time with friends.

Eric Wieden as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Eric Wieden as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Eric Wieden, 15

Not afraid to wear pink or a wig, Eric Wieden and a group of male Scouts will be playing princesses and performing a dance number to Man I Feel Like a Woman by Shania Twain.

The 15-year-old said while he understood not all teens would be open to the unique experience, he really enjoyed it.

“I’m having a great time rehearsing in my dress but not heels because that’s not practical,” Eric said.

“Getting out on stage to act and be someone completely different has been really fun.

“Our Man I Feel Like a Woman scene is my favourite because it’s a great dance, great song and everyone is having a great time.”

The year 10 student has participated in seven of the Revue’s productions and been involved with the Darling Downs Scouting group for the past decade.

He said his favourite memories have been going on statewide camps, whale watching and cool adventures.

With dreams of becoming a veterinarian, Eric said he loves animals and has always had a diverse range of pets including dogs, guinea pigs and birds.

Liam Harris as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Liam Harris as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Liam Harris, 9

It may be the first time Liam Harris has performed lines on stage but the nine-year-old is already excelling.

The young Scout said he had enjoyed doing Revue with his old brother Eric and spending time with his friends.

Both brothers said their joint involvement had proved handy when reminding each other to bring their costumes to rehearsals or study their lines.

Playing the characters of “Mouse” and a cub Scout who has to join the Girl Guides because the cubs are at capacity, the year 3 student said preparing for the 2023 show had been fun.

Liam said while he enjoys Revue, he does not want to be an actor.

He said while he wanted to be a police officer at one stage he has since changed his mind.

Taylor Titcume as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Taylor Titcume as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Taylor Titcume, 25

Whether she’s playing an “Emu Clown”, Queen Gwendolen or a comedic puppet, Taylor Titcume spends every opportunity she gets rehearsing her lines.

In addition to the Revue, the 25-year-old also helps with the choreography, sung in school choirs and played the flute in school bands.

When Taylor’s older brothers started doing Scouts, the 25-year-old said she would often tag along on camps and activities before eventually joining the Scouts eight years ago.

She said the Scouting group has provided her with valuable lifelong skills including leadership and organisation, as well as an opportunity to try archery, canoeing, abseiling, caving and construction.

The Scout leader currently works at Kmart and is studying a diploma in outdoor recreation through the Darling Downs Scouts.

“That (career) was not originally the goal but after doing it through Scouts for so long it peaked my interest,” she said.

“I would love to work at a recreation centre and teach young people how to do outdoor activities.”

Victoria Ready as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Victoria Ready as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Victoria Ready, 23

Learning new things, meeting new people and stepping out of her comfort zone are the reasons Victoria Ready has enjoyed being a Scout so much.

The 23-year-old first joined the group at the age of nine and has been an active part of the Revue productions for the past 13 years.

“This year I’m playing a police officer who is essentially trying to shut down Scouts because they want kids to get back into playing computer games and watching TV,” she said.

“It was hard to get into that mindset because I obviously don’t agree so I just had to go against my better judgement and try to think of it from another point of view.”

The Scout Leader said she loved performing and forming connections with the close-knit group of Scouts.

“We’ve put so much work into this and everyone should come support their local scout group and have a laugh.”

Currently working as a retail worker at Spotlight, Victoria said she loves to get creative on the sewing or cricket machines.

Zac Titcume as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer
Zac Titcume as Darling Downs Scouts and Guides present the Darling Downs Revue 30th season Rewind Through Time. Picture: Kevin Farmer

Zac Titcume, 22

After working behind the scenes on his first Revue production, Zac Titcume has spent the past five shows front and centre.

The 22-year-old, who first joined the Scouts in 2011, said he initially joined because of his brother’s involvement but quickly discovered a passion for the co-curricular activities including camping, hikes and construction.

“I was new to Toowoomba at the time and didn’t really know anyone,” he said.

“But Scouts really helped me to come out of my shell, connect with like-minded people and make new friends.”

Zac said his highlight with Scouts was a trip to Maryborough in 2013 where more than 10,000 Scouts from all over Australia, Japan and Europe came together and formed bonds.

Cast as King William in this year’s show, Zac said he performs a song which introduces England monarchs and other characters.

The Scout leader and youth member said he hopes to continue growing in volunteering positions with the group.

He is also studying a Bachelor of English literature and creative writing with the aim of working in the film industry as a script writer or researcher.

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