
‘Repulsed’ Married At First Sight experts intervene after ‘appalling’ insult gets hurled at wife

The MAFS experts are forced to intervene with the experiment on Sunday night when a husband’s remarks leave his wife sickened. James Weir recaps.

Muzzle your woman - Jack explains repulsive MAFS comment

The Married At First Sight husband who demanded a woman be muzzled like a feral dog is whacked on the snout himself during Sunday’s commitment ceremony as the experts fight to one-up each other with teachable moments in an effort to not get cancelled by the public with online petitions.

We’re not even going to bother getting into the other couples tonight. Yes, we have questions as to why Lucinda wound up at a strip club with “tits and ass” in her face. And we’re just as surprised as anyone that nana Andrea is angry at grandpa Richard for telling the grandkids they suck more than just butterscotch candies together. But none of that is important right now.

We’re only here for the wash-up of Jack’s dinner party insult and to watch the muzzler become the muzzled.

JAMES WEIR RECAPS:Read all the recaps here

If you missed the dinner party drama, it’s very simple to explain: Jono tattled to his wife Lauren about how Jack told the boys in the gym that they could sleep with his wife Tori because he’s not attracted to her and then Lauren went and exposed Jack at the dinner party only for Jack to tell Jono to “muzzle ya woman”.

The experts enter tonight’s commitment ceremony with the same stern and disappointed energy of a school principal addressing the entire student assembly about a crude rumour that has been circulating.

“I heard something last night that was appalling,” headmaster Aiken scolds the unruly senior class.

Jono is the straight-A nerd who has found himself at the centre of trouble. The one time he goes to a party and hangs out with the cool boys, scandal ensues. He scrambles and starts grovelling to … Jack?

“I apologise. I really love you guys, you’re amazing,” he whimpers to the man who insulted his wife.

Lauren rolls her eyes.

“What the f**k,” she groans at her weak husband.

We hate seeing the show’s MVP treated this way.

Show some respect, Jono.
Show some respect, Jono.

Headmaster Aiken sighs. “Jono, who’s more important to you: Lauren or Jack?”

Jono shrugs. His wife, he insists.

Headmaster Aiken blows up.

“She spoke up, she was called a dog. But you weren’t upset by it!” he says, before turning to the other guys in the room and asking why they didn’t step in.

Amateur podcaster Ben pipes up with a dopey excuse.

“I did hear it but I didn’t hear the context of what happened prior,” he mumbles. “Like, the volume, literally the decibels of the conversation … with … the decibels.”

Ah, yes. Those pesky decibels.

Please mansplain decibels to us, Benjamin.
Please mansplain decibels to us, Benjamin.

Now it’s Jack’s turn to be made an example of.

“I was disgusted by it: put a muzzle on that woman,” headmaster Aiken scolds. “I’ve heard some things in this experiment that have repulsed me. That was one of the worst things I’ve heard.”

Yeah! It’s right up there with that time in 2019 when Ines compared her husband Bronson to a lesbian McDonald’s drive-thru attendant just because he had an eyebrow ring.

Jack’s a bad boy who’s always in trouble, so he just whips out the same phony lines to show faux remorse.

“I’m ashamed. Yeah, I’ve lost sleep over it,” he says.

Dunno, Jack. You’re looking very well rested to us … Actually, you don’t. But we still refuse to believe you.

Lying through your little plastic teeth.
Lying through your little plastic teeth.

Headmistress Schilling steps in and asks Tori why she’s being influenced by this bad boy.

“I’m not dismissing or discounting the comment,” Tori says. “It was disgusting. But it doesn’t come natural for Jack to talk like that.”

Headmistress Schilling snaps back. “Oh no, it seemed very natural. It seemed like a reflex.”

Tori smirks and rolls her eyes at authority. She doesn’t care what anyone says. She loves Jack and nothing else matters. Their romance has the tumultuous intensity of a Taylor Swift song.

‘Whatever, Ms Schilling.’
‘Whatever, Ms Schilling.’

“How does it feel knowing he’s been out saying to other people that he’s not attracted to you?” headmistress Schilling asks, hoping this sparks some kind of sobering realisation.

“I haven’t said that,” Jack interrupts.

The objection veers us into yet another back-and-forth argument about semantics and it could all be solved if producers just played one of the three tapes they have of Jack literally talking about how he’s not attracted to his wife.

“You’ve really lost me,” headmistress Schilling sighs.

It’s around now she starts serving up A+ reactionary cutaway shots.


Then we realise there’s a whole other remark we need to get to the bottom of: what exactly did Jack say about Tori when he was in the gym?

“If we do partner swap, Tori might get to sleep with Jono,” Jack says, as if it’s as innocuous as a knock-knock joke.

Let’s just throw straight to headmistress Schilling for a visual reaction:


Tori gulps.

“When you put it like that, it makes me feel physically sick,” she says.

Then there’s silence.

Even Ben will admit, zero decibels has never been so deafening.

Facebook: @hellojamesweir

Originally published as ‘Repulsed’ Married At First Sight experts intervene after ‘appalling’ insult gets hurled at wife

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