

Where the latest job ads are

Where the latest job ads are

As the Australian economy continues to feel the impact of the coronavirus, new job ad figures show the industries that are in need of staff.

Huge blow for shift workers

Huge blow for shift workers

Shift workers at Cadbury’s Tasmanian factory will miss out on extra leave entitlements following a landmark High Court decision.

Your work questions answered

Your work questions answered

Going for a new job will look a little different in future. Here’s some of the new things jobseekers will need to look out for.

Cut benefits or face 220 per cent premium hike

Cut benefits or face 220 per cent premium hike

A major provider of income protection insurance is putting hundreds of thousands of workers in a no-win situation — accept big cuts to benefits or pay up to an “astonishing” 220 per cent extra to maintain their coverage.

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