Who won the Trump-Biden debate – our experts’ verdict
Donald Trump bounced around issues like a pinball machine ... but found Joe Biden an opponent ready to punch back. Who won the first US Presidential debate? Read our experts’ analysis.
Paul Kelly - Editor-at-large
The rancour engulfing America swamped the first Trump-Biden debate. This was a spiteful, chaotic, abusive, often out-of-control brawling encounter with both candidates revealing their contempt for each other.
On display was the reckless deterioration of American political life and the collapse of respect for civic life. Donald Trump and Joe Biden could barely tolerate each other exposing the raw hostility that plagues America today. There is one certainty from this debate – the Trump and Biden partisans will claim vindication and the divisions in America will only deepen.
Trump came to this debate ready to interrupt, harass, abuse and play the man. But he found in Biden an opponent ready to punch back – to brand and denigrate him, play the man in turn, and denounce Trump and all his works.
Trump never landed a political knock-out blow though he surely energised his base. Biden faltered from time to time but he emerged from the basement and showed he could fight. Trump told Biden: “You don’t know how to do the job – you don’t have it in your blood.” Biden said of Trump: “Everybody knows he’s a liar.”
No form of abuse went untouched – from racism, to pandemic deaths to family dishonor. At the end Trump declared that he “hopes” it will be a fair election but warned that it could become a “fraudulent” event. America faces a dangerous several weeks.
Greg Sheridan - Foreign Editor
That was certainly a pretty scrappy debate with both Donald Trump and Joe Biden hurling insults at each other.
The media narrative is that Trump was ruder than Biden and therefore alienated more voters and was the loser.
I’m not so sure.
Certainly it was an unedifying process.
And lots of US TV commentators were quickly into their stride arguing that Biden should refuse to participate in the next two scheduled debates.
Which of course seems to be a contradiction and leads to the obvious question: if it was such a disaster for Trump, why wouldn’t Biden want to do it as often as possible?
It is in fact possible that Trump made some progress in this debate.
Trump looked like a bully, let’s face it, he is a bully. But Biden looked like a bit of a weakling. Biden too hurled plenty of insults, falling Trump a racist and a clown and telling him to shut up. All fair enough really in the no-holds-barred world wrestling championship style of debate this was.
Trump was high energy and looked like a bully. Biden was low energy and a bit like a weakling.
I do agree with the media consensus that Trump clearly over did the bullying. As always with Trump, it’s very difficult for him ever to draw the line between reasonable and unreasonable.
Cameron Stewart - Washington Correspondent
Joe Biden did better than Donald Trump in the first presidential debate for the simple reason that he held his ground against a brawling and surly president in a clash that was ugly to watch.
Both men repeatedly spoke over each other, Trump more so, making it difficult to hear any coherent argument from either candidate about their plans for America.
The most consequential outcome of the debate was that Biden did not commit a major gaffe and in doing so, undermined Trump’s portrayal of the 77 year old as barely able to string a sentence together.
Trump needed a strong performance to shake-up this presidential race and catch Biden in the polls, but this debate did not provide that moment.
Trump appeared angry and defensive for much of the night especially on his management of the coronavirus. Trump was better on the topics of the economy and on the Supreme Court, but overall he lacked the showman’s touch that he can bring to such an occasion.
This was not a powerful performance from Biden but he was far more disciplined than Trump who appeared more angry as the debate went on.
There are still two debates to come but this was a poor start from the President. It takes Biden a small step closer to the White House.
READ MORE: Descent into chaos helped only one contender
Troy Bramston – Senior Writer
Donald Trump bounced around issues like a pinball machine, insulted, interrupted, was aggressive and unfocused. It was a snapshot of his presidency. But it is not a winning election strategy. He did little to convince undecided voters to re-elect him.
Trump had no regard for debate rules and ignored moderator Chris Wallace. He scored some hits on Joe Biden. But voters are exhausted with the Trump Show. He did not change perceptions of his two biggest negatives: the pandemic and race-related violence. He refused to condemn white supremacists.
Biden owes Trump for setting the bar low for his performance. Trump said “Sleepy Joe” needed an ear piece and took performance-enhancing drugs. After 90 minutes, Biden showed he was cognitively, intellectually and physically up to the job of being president.
Biden was effective in critiquing Trump’s handling of the pandemic, riots and the economy. He had a few good barbs of his own. “Will you shut up, man?” he said at one point. However, Biden needs to be sharper, better on defence and outline more of his own agenda in future debates.
In a demolition derby debate, it was critical for Trump to land a knockout blow. He did not. Biden held his own. While the history of debates impacting elections is mixed, Trump did not get the game changer he needed to shake up his faltering campaign.
Caroline Overington - Associate Editor
It was the first debate of the Covid election, and so, there were no handshakes. But boy, was it gloves off. Two old men going at it, like two furious little boys.
Shouting, yelling, talking over each other, baiting and sniping and calling each other names.
“Oh shut up man.”
“Keep yapping.”
“Will he just shush for a minute?”
“Why don’t you inject some bleach into your veins?”
“He’s racist.”
“He’s Putin’s puppy.”
“He’s a fool, and a clown, and a liar.”
And no, that wasn’t Donald Trump being offensive. That was all Joe Biden. Clearly, he was trying to rile, or goad Donald Trump. Biden was on the offensive, to a degree not previously seen.
“You’re the worst president America ever had,” he said.
There was another astonishing moment, when Trump promised to release his tax returns.
“When?” said Biden. “Inshallah? (if Allah wills it?)”
It was surely the ugliest debate yet hosted. Start to finish, it was petulant, and juvenile. And yes, Trump did at times give as good as he got.
“You were a disaster … China ate your lunch,” he said, at one point.
“Did you use the word smart? There’s nothing smart about you. Don’t you use the word smart with me.”
But the fact remains that it was Biden, not Trump, lobbing the personal insults - fool, clown, liar - which was very likely a considered move. Before tonight, many wondered if he had the bottle to take on Trump. Maybe he wanted to prove that he does? But the worst performer wasn’t Trump, and it wasn’t Biden, either.
It was the moderator, Chris Wallace, who at one point was reduced to begging a hectoring Trump: “Please sir, stop.” In his defence, he had no ability to cut the mics. That has to happen before the next debate, so the audience at least gets the chance to hear what the candidates have to say. They, of course, should make it worth hearing.
Jack the Insider – Columnist
This was a shout-athon. Personal insults were flung about. It was a verbal shambles. Trump and Biden did not shake hands beforehand by agreement. Audience responses were frowned upon. Subjects are known in advance, questions predictable. There was no fact checking of what either Trump or Biden said so they could say anything they liked without being pulled up in real time.
As television goes it was dispiriting, often unwatchable with two men talking over the top of each other and Wallace struggling to maintain control until a flustered Biden turned to Trump and asked, “Will you shut up, man?”
Trump went personal. Biden babbled about a Covid plan without providing a clue what it is. And then he went personal on Trump. Then they both talked over the top of one another again.
What we can comfortably conclude is Biden walked into the Case Western Reserve University under more pressure because he is the front runner. Trump had to make up ground and sway undecided voters.
READ MORE: Debate shout-a-thon a verbal shambles