Road Test: QuietOn 3
It’s a sleek electrical device that you’ll want to take into the bedroom with your partner.
What is it? A sleek electrical device that you’ll want to take into the bedroom with your partner. It could save your relationship!
Steady on, this is a family magazine. Relax, it’s a set of noise-cancelling earbuds that target the frequencies of snoring.
Oh! Imagine an entire night uninterrupted by that bloody racket. Eight hours of deep sleep. Oooh, yeah. Hmm-yeah. Yes! Oh yes! Steady on, this is a family magazine. But yes, you can expect near-silence when wearing these tiny, comfortable earbuds at night; they’re recharged by the storage case during the day.
And the snorer no longer has to wear a chin strap/nose clip. That’s a bonus for him! (Course it’s a him). Here’s another bonus, for you: these earbuds don’t just deaden snoring, but all sorts of “low-frequency noises”. Hallelujah, ladies.