
Road Test: Good Earth Dairy milk

It’s milk, right? But richer, sweeter and nuttier than cow’s milk.

It’s pasteurised camel’s milk from animals that are caught in the deserts of Western Australia.
It’s pasteurised camel’s milk from animals that are caught in the deserts of Western Australia.

What is it? Before I answer that, try a glass of it. Notice the bright white colour, the subtle but complex smell. Take a sip. It’s milk, right? But richer, sweeter and nuttier than cow’s milk.

Yes, it’s lovely. And if you now tell me it came from a possum’s teats i will kill you with my bare hands. Relax, it’s pasteurised camel’s milk, from animals that are caught in the deserts of Western Australia. Hundreds of thousands of ’em roam the Outback; rather than culling these feral animals, it makes sense to treat them as a resource.

Who’s the producer? Good Earth Dairy, based in Dandaragan, 180km north of Perth. It’s a new outfit with a herd of 150 camels; it’s rolling out its product to NSW and Victoria this week.

Target market? Homesick Arabs, adventurous eaters and activewear types. I mean, we’re all so over soy, almond and rice milks. Skinny decaf camel moccachino, anyone?

$8 per 300ml bottle,

Ross Bilton
Ross BiltonThe Weekend Australian Magazine

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