
Road test: CarbonKlean Peeps

“A revolutionary new way to get spotless lenses”

CarbonKlean Peeps.
CarbonKlean Peeps.

What is it? A “revolutionary new way to get spotless lenses” on your glasses, apparently.

Eh? Surely you just yank up a corner of your undies to wipe ’em on. Oh, you’re such a grub. Also, you’re liable to smear and scratch the lenses doing that.

So tell us about the Peeps. It’s a plastic device, the size of a lighter, that contains a retractable soft brush and a pair of prongs, like tweezers, tipped with carbon microfibre pads. You use the brush for a preliminary clean, then sandwich the lens between the carbon pads to polish with small circular movements.

Ingenious! Yes, and it works well – the lenses are quickly rendered bright and clean. It’ll mean you never have to bother with spectacle cleaning fluid and cloths again. CarbonKlean says the pads are good for 500-plus uses before they’ll need replacing. Just like your undies!

$39.95 for three,

Ross Bilton
Ross BiltonThe Weekend Australian Magazine

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