Original Ice Ball Maker: Road Test
A lump of ice the size of a pool ball for your drink? Now that’s impressive. Just don’t let it knock your teeth out.
What is it?
A silicone mould for making a single, spherical ice ball – 6cm wide – for your drink.
Why? Two reasons. 1) A piece of ice the size of a pool ball just looks fantastic; and 2) your inner geek will know that a sphere has the lowest possible surface area per volume of any solid – so it melts slower, and dilutes your drink less.
How does it work? The mould comprises two interlocking domes, with a hole at the top for filling. Pour in water (not quite to the top, to allow for expansion) and freeze for eight hours. Pull the two pieces apart to release the ice.
Anything else? The moulds come in six colours. A simple, ingenious and stylish idea from this Aussie firm, whose motto is “Make big, beautiful balls”. Stop sniggering at the back!
$12.95, theoriginaliceball.com