First Press Cold Drip Dairy Iced Coffee: Road Test
Here’s a convenient way to get your caffeine fix this summer: a carton of ready-to-pour cold-drip iced coffee.
WHAT IS IT? A convenient way to get your caffeine fix as the weather starts to warm up: it’s a carton of milk coffee containing 10 shots of cold-drip,
single-origin Brazilian goodness. Just pour over ice and it’s ready to go.
YOU’LL BE WIRED AFTER DOWNING THAT! Well, the 1-litre Tetra Pak carton is supposed to last a week, but it’s a free country, so chug it in one if you want. I mean, you would get loads of work done.
WHAT’S THE TASTE LIKE? It’s delicious, as you’d expect from a top-notch Arabica coffee that’s been “meticulously cold-dripped over 10 hours in our Melbourne HQ”, according to the people at First Press. It’s smooth and complex, with fine aromatic notes, a butterscotch backbone, and the faintest hint of pretentious wankery.
ANYTHING ELSE? It’s sweetened with a little raw sugar (5g in a typical serve) and blended with full cream milk. First Press also makes versions with oat milk and almond milk, for anyone born since the Millennium. My hot tip: add a little slug of vodka. Breakfast drink of champions!