

It’s bye Bali – and a big travel hi to Thailand, Japan and Singapore

Most Australians will travel within their own state this summer, but it’s where we will holiday overseas that’s more surprising.

Bali has been a top three overseas holiday destination for Australians, but will lose out to Singapore and Thailand this summer. Picture: Thinkstock
Bali has been a top three overseas holiday destination for Australians, but will lose out to Singapore and Thailand this summer. Picture: Thinkstock

Bali has dropped off Australians’ top three overseas summer destinations, losing out to Japan, Singapore and Thailand as travellers continue to defy cost-of-living pressures to take an end-of-year break.

Research from the Tourism and Transport Forum, which surveyed 2000 people in December 5-11, found 75 per cent of us will travel over summer, with most (36 per cent) visiting their own state. Another 26 per cent will travel interstate and 14 per cent will go abroad, up from 6.5 per cent last summer.

The most popular overseas destinations are New Zealand (17 per cent), Europe (16 per cent), Japan (10 per cent), Thailand and Singapore (both 6 per cent), while at home Queensland, Sydney and the Gold Coast will be the most visited state, city and regional areas respectively.

More than half of those surveyed (55 per cent) said cost-of-living pressures affected their decision to travel on holiday this summer, listing rising interest rates, food prices and rental repayments as having the greatest impact.

TTF chief executive Margy Osmond said holiday travel remained the No. 1 non-essential thing we were spending money on. “People are … still finding money to travel at an increased level than three or four months ago,” she said.

“That tells you something interesting about how governments need to help the travel industry.

“It’s filling a real gap in people’s lives and giving them some relief to be able to go on holidays while they’re still grappling with the mortgage and rising interest rates and grocery bills and the rent.”

Ms Osmond said Bali had dropped out of the top three international places people wanted to go to over summer, attributing it to Australians wanting to try new places after the pandemic.

“Maybe one post-Covid outcome is they want something fresh and new and that’s why you’re seeing … Singapore and Thailand getting such a look in and, for those more secure in their finances, Japan,” she said.

“People are picking places perceived as safe and interesting for families.”

Summer holidays are shorter and cheaper, with 77 per cent spending under $5000 and 59 per cent going away for less than seven days.

Rosie Lewis
Rosie LewisPolitical Correspondent

Rosie Lewis is The Australian's Political Correspondent. She began her career at the paper in Sydney in 2011 as a video journalist and has been in the federal parliamentary press gallery since 2014. Lewis made her mark in Canberra after breaking story after story about the political rollercoaster unleashed by the Senate crossbench of the 44th parliament. More recently, her national reporting includes exclusives on the dual citizenship fiasco, women in parliament and the COVID-19 pandemic. Lewis has covered policy in-depth across social services, health, indigenous affairs, agriculture, communications, education, foreign affairs and workplace relations.

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