Bank’s lucrative offer to first home buyers
An Aussie bank has dramatically dropped the amount first home buyers need to save for a home, helping them buy a property faster.
An Aussie bank has dramatically dropped the amount first home buyers need to save for a home, helping them buy a property faster.
Westpac directors are expected to determine at a board meeting in a fortnight a plan for a selldown of more than $4bn worth of non-core wealth assets.
Westpac’s chief economist says the forecast blow out of the budget deficit will include an extension to JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments.
Westpac has announced a lucrative new offer in a bid to attract young customers who are struggling to buy their first home.
Westpac is the latest big bank to botch payroll, failing to correctly calculate long service leave entitlements for 8000 employees.
ANZ and Westpac put on more than 3pc to help the ASX to a 1.5pc gain, trimming the market’s weekly loss to 0.6 per cent.
A Federal Court appeal against Westpac’s win in the so-called ‘wagyu and shiraz’ case has been dismissed, handing the bank another legal victory.
A Federal Court affidavit by Austrac’s Kathryn Haigh provides a rare insight into the dealings between the regulator and its latest bank prey: Westpac.
The Federal Court has set out its timeline for the case as Austrac mulls the prospect of additional allegations.
The move comes after Westpac had earlier flagged a selldown out of Pendal Group was on the cards.
Justice with zero tolerance for regulatory overreach taking over from Chief Justice James Allsop.
Austrac may amend its damning Federal Court action against Westpac to include matters relating to potential child exploitation by as many as 272 customers.
Consumer confidence has returned to close to pre-COVID levels, buoyed by Australia’s success in squashing the spread of the virus.
The banking industry is preparing to fight against ‘draconian’ anti-money laundering enforcement measures by Austrac.
Financial crimes regulator Austrac has come out swinging against Westpac’s legal defence to parts of a Federal Court action.
Some of the nation’s top bankers have issued a call to arms against Austrac, accusing the agency of ‘virtual entrapment’.
Westpac has slashed its variable home loan interest rate to what is now the lowest on offer by a major bank, but not for everyone.
The bank shares bounce is being driven by not so bad news, rather than good news as such.
John McFarlane can see the work ahead of him at Westpac and, if elected, plans to extend his chairmanship beyond 2023.
Inside Westpac, it’s become known as the “ignition event” — a routine software upgrade in 2010 that went unknowingly but horribly wrong.
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