Anti-vaxxers stalk Jacinda Ardern’s wedding
Protesters picketed outside the former NZ leader’s wedding to Clarke Gayford at one of the country’s most elite vineyards.
Protesters picketed outside the former NZ leader’s wedding to Clarke Gayford at one of the country’s most elite vineyards.
The lovebirds were unable to contain their excitement when they finally tied the knot after having to cancel their wedding two years ago.
The lovebirds were unable to contain their excitement when they finally tied the knot after having to cancel their wedding two years ago.
Almost a year to the day after Jacinda Ardern said to her fiance ‘Let’s finally get married,’ they’re tying the knot this weekend. Finally!
Christopher Luxon is accelerating NZ’s tilt back to Canberra, Washington and NATO; his message to China is democracy over dictatorship.
The re-anglification of civic life is part of the ruling coalition’s plan for the restoration of sanity after the destructive experiment conducted by Jacinda Ardern.
NZ’s new government is embarking on a complex journey to reverse a range of policies instituted by its predecessors, including those relating to Maori. It won’t be easy.
NZ’s new Prime Minister will reform the public service, allowing him to govern effectively – unlike the administrations of Jacinda Ardern and Christopher Hipkins.
Our allies across the ditch poised to put their security house in order
The former PM is living proof that rock-star politics is not enough.
NZ’s Labour party is set for a historic defeat at today’s election and the potential loss of half its MPs as the rival National party heads for victory.
At her peak Jacinda Ardern was a global juggernaut, paving the way for women leaders around the world. How did the light that shone so brightly with a landslide victory in 2020, face such an ignominious end just three years later?
The former prime minister’s late entry into New Zealand’s election campaign could be a master-stroke that will send votes to the flailing Labour party.
Despite a short supporter sugar hit, Chris Hipkins looks more and more like a dead man walking as polls suggest New Zealanders are about to emphatically bury him and Jacinda Ardern’s era.
Jacinda Ardern was widely regarded as the star of the Western democracies. Today she is on an American university campus near Boston, remaining silent about NZ and the fate of her party.
David Seymour, the bête noire of the New Zealand left (just ask Jacinda Ardern), is primed to be at the centre of the October general election – and, potentially, beyond.
A growing crime wave, illustrated tragically by the Auckland shooting, is just one of many crises NZ is facing. Whoever wins the October poll will inherit a deeply troubled nation.
Ardernism was always performative. Under her successor Chris Hipkins, little has improved.
NZ’s envoy to Australia reveals the simmering tensions between Jacinda Ardern and the Morrison government over migration policies.
After unexpectedly quitting because she no longer had ‘enough in the tank,’ the former NZ PM has announced a worldwide deal before heading to Harvard.
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