Clive Palmer candidate ‘refuses to speak’
A candidate for Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party who is facing charges has not fronted court, with his lawyers explaining why.
A candidate for Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party who is facing charges has not fronted court, with his lawyers explaining why.
Liberal party’s primary vote in blue ribbon seat of Hughes drops to 37 per cent, with a teal independent now in frame.
The billionaire mining magnate and United Australia Party leader explains how he fell while preparing for his campaign launch.
Mining billionaire and United Australia Party leader Clive Palmer has revealed the real reason behind his latest on-stage stumble.
A staffer remains in a taxpayer-funded job in United Australia Party leader Craig Kelly’s office nearly a year after being charged with sex assault offences.
Craig Kelly still surprises. He apparently shared a stage with some of the leading lights of a flaring imbecility last week – and then lied about it.
‘Preference whisperer’ Glenn Druery says UAP chairman Clive Palmer has seen the ‘writing on the wall’ and is positioning for a Labor victory at the May election.
Broadcaster Ray Hadley has slammed a Liberal Party MP who addressed an anti-vaccine rally outside Parliament House on Tuesday.
Clive Palmer’s address to the National Press Club is back on. Some ABC hawks say Palmer should not be given a platform to air his anti-vaxxer views.
Is it discrimination and segregation to forbid unvaccinated people access to restaurants, travel, football games and pubs?
Clive Palmer will support Craig Kelly’s legal challenge against Facebook and bankroll the controversial MP’s campaign to run as an independent in the seat of Hughes at the next election.
Paleo Pete Evans came to Parliament House to press the flesh with Craig Kelly.
Why Nationals whip Damian Drum’s Parliament House office is like a supermarket. And can Craig Kelly tell the difference between Arnie and Stallone?
The media have a responsibility to expose blunders, but the glee and tone of self-righteous condemnation that follows encourages political subterfuge.
John Howard’s declaration some years ago that the Liberal Party was a “broad church” is difficult to justify these days.
Scott Morrison has dared Anthony Albanese to try to bring down his prime ministership following Craig Kelly’s defection.
Readers have their say on China’s debt-trap diplomacy on our doorstep, Craig Kelly’s slap-down, and city-slicker activitists.
The current pile-on with Craig Kelly demonstrates the tendency to shoot the messenger rather than address the message.
Candidates for the United Australia Party are being treated with lavish getaways.
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