Gonski ‘bowled over’ by good deeds
David Gonski says he was ‘bowled over’ by the community work of individuals in last year’s crises of bushfires and COVID-19.
David Gonski says he was ‘bowled over’ by the community work of individuals in last year’s crises of bushfires and COVID-19.
Over the past 18 months, in every challenge, business has stood alongside Australians through their darkest days.
For Coles, the coronavirus was a time to step up and ensure essentials were available and shoppers were safe.
When much of Kangaroo Island was still up in flame, a handful of workers flew into the island with a handful of maps and a mission.
When fire tore through Mogo on NSW’s south coast last year, traders found themselves without a space to conduct their businesses.
Consulting firm Accenture reached out beyond its client base to assist local communities impacted by bushfires and COVID last year.
When the coronavirus pandemic struck 12 months ago, there was chaos in supermarkets across the country as people rushed to stockpile food.
One of Australia’s most successful private sector bushfire relief initiatives, which assisted more than 500 small business owners, started with a round of drinks.
During last summer’s devastating bushfires, the supply of fuel to affected communities became a critical part of the emergency response.
Melbourne-based emergency doctor Simon Doyle focused on the small things to try to establish a personal connection with his COVID-19 patients.
“When you see the glow, it’s time to go,” Kaytee Collins, Bank SA branch manager at Kingscote, the island’s biggest town, recalled.
As fires burned around him, Coles regional manager John Appleby felt an overwhelming feeling of responsibility to his community.
A high-powered job in a bank can be stressful, but last summer a day in the office proved a refuge for volunteer firefighter Scott Hart.
After an extraordinary and challenging 2020, The Biggies will celebrate the positive impact of business in the community.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/topics/bca-biggie-awards/page/2