
Chinese spy vessel spotted lurking

“An act of aggression” 

“An act of aggression”

A high-tech Chinese spy ship has been spotted in Australian waters in a situation described by Defence Minister Peter Dutton as an "act of aggression." 

At a press conference on Friday, Dutton said the fact the ship had sailed "so far south" while "hugging" the WA coastline was unprecedented and "Australians deserve to know" what was happening.

Dutton said it was highly unusual for a foreign vessel to enter Australia’s Economic Zone before giving Australian authorities the heads up. 

"I think it is an act of aggression. I think particularly because it has come so far south, so far south of Exmouth is unprecedented."

The defence minister said the government was monitoring the situation closely and denied he was trying to exploit the matter to stoke national security fears or win votes ahead of the federal election. 

"I think Australians deserve to know what what is taking place and as I say, it's a repeat of previous practice, where we've made the public aware of these activities before," he said.

Scott Morrison labelled the situation an "issue of concern" but said it was important to remain calm and confident in the ability of Australia's defence partners.

“It’s not the first time, it won’t be the last time, I suspect we’ll see it many more times," he said.

"They’ll keep a close eye on us and I can assure you, Australia acting in our national interest will always be keeping a close eye on them and ensuring we’re addressing these issues."


When did they find out? Initially Dutton wouldn't be specific, citing "operational reasons". But the Australian Defence Force has since released a map showing they've been tracking the ship since last Friday morning. 

Have there been war ships before? Yes. Dutton mentioned a ship was spotted earlier this year, but the fact this vessel had travelled "so far south" along the west coast of Australia was "completely unprecedented". 

What does it mean that it is going to Darwin? Do you remember last month how there was a bit of a kerfuffle over the Solomon Island's decision to sign a defence pact with China? Well the move concerned Aussie authorities because the Solomons are very close to Darwin and the arrangement could open the door to China building a base there. If that happens, China would be able to conduct these kind of naval exercises around our waters even more regularly.

What is a surveillance ship? Well it's not just a cargo ship. It means it has the ability to gather intelligence about us. It's worrying because it sailed past a naval communications base where we sometimes host American and other allied submarines.

Why is he telling us now? Good question. Dutton was asked about the timing of this announcement considering the federal election will be held in just a week's time on Saturday May 21. He said:“Yeah, well as I say, we've had vessels in our waters this year and we've made the public aware… but this is, this is an unusual activity on the west coast at the moment.” Pressed again, he said: "I think Australians deserve to know what what is taking place."

Has this happened before? Yup. Earlier this year, Scott Morrison accused a Chinese warship of a "reckless and irresponsible act" after it shone a laser at an Australian aircraft.

What's this about Tampa? In Florida? No, Tampa was a Norwegian vessel and they mention it because the government's response was crucial to former prime minister John Howard's election victory in 2001. Despite being expected to lose the 2001 poll, two key events - September 11 and Howard's refusal to accept asylum seekers travelling on board the Tampa - ultimately changed the result by pivoting the election campaign towards national security. 

Read related topics:China Ties
Olivia Caisley
Olivia CaisleyPolitical Reporter

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