
Nedd Brockmann makes it home after (literal) cross-country run

Thousands have gathered at Bondi Beach to greet the 23-year-old tradie, as he finishes his unfathomable 3800km run from Perth to Sydney.

Picture: Richard Dobson
Picture: Richard Dobson

Thousands have gathered at Bondi Beach to greet the 23-year-old tradie, as he finishes his unfathomable 3800km run from Perth to Sydney.

Nedd Brockmann has arrived home to the Bondi Beach promenade after completing a mammoth run from Perth to Sydney in just 46 days, raising more than $1.5m for homelessness along the way. See below for live updates.

5.40pm: Nedd Brockmann does a shoey for the crowd

Brockmann has given a short address to the thousands of supporters at Bondi Beach, before doing a shoey.

"I am absolutely blown away," he said. "It has taken a lot and a lot to get to here I don’t think I can explain the depths I’ve had to go to. 

"To have all this support is absolutely mind-blowing. I am speechless. Thank you guys. Amazing."

5.34pm: He's made it home

He's done it. 

Nedd Brockmann has run triumphantly through a finish ribbon on Bondi Beach, as a crowd of thousands cheer the exhausted runner on, following a 3800km run from Perth to Sydney. 

The runner is now undergoing a traditional Indigenous smoking ceremony, to honour the Aboriginal land he has run across over the past 46 days.

5.25pm: Former Bachelor endorses Brockmann's run

Former Bachelor Matt Johnston has jumped on Brockmann's Instagram account to implored the runner's 163k Instagram followers to donate to We are Mobilise, ahead of his finish in just 5 minutes time.

"We've raised $1.5m already, and I know it would mean so much to Nedd if we could get that number just a bit higher," Johnston said in an Instagram Live.

Johnston is acting as MC for the thousands gathered at Bondi Beach to watch Brockmann reach the finish line.

Former Bachelor Matt Johnston addresses Nedd Brockmann's Instagram followers.
Former Bachelor Matt Johnston addresses Nedd Brockmann's Instagram followers.

More than 22.8k people have tuned into the livestream on Brockmann's Instagram to watch the sparkie finish his incredible run.

The crowd at Nedd Brockmann's finish line

5.15pm: Thousands gather at Bondi

A huge crowd of supporters have flocked to Bondi Beach to welcome Nedd Brockmann home after 46 days on the road. 

Many are yelling "We love you, Ned!" as a heightened sense of eager anticipation rumbles amongst the group. 

The crowd at Bondi Beach.
The crowd at Bondi Beach.

Brockmann will cross the finish line and be greeted by his family and close friends, followed by a cheque presentation with Noah Yang, Founder of We are Mobilise, the charity that Brockmann has raised over $1.5m for. 

The crowd at Bondi Beach.
The crowd at Bondi Beach.

4.54pm: Brockmann hits $1.5m for homelessness

With the exhausted tradie just half an hour away from the finish of his 3800km run across Australia, he has reached his renewed fundraising goal of $1.5m. 

Raising money for homelessness charity We are Mobilise, the young gun initially aimed to hit a $1m target. However, after reaching that goal on October 14, he stretched it to $1.5m. 

The grand total stood at $1,513,827 at the time of writing.

"Mind blowing! Congratulations Nedd- you're one inspiring Aussie," one donator wrote in a message to the runner.

"You are an absolute legend Nedd !! It has been inspiring to watch your progress," another said.

4.15pm: Supporters gather at the finish line

Brockmann's dedicated flock of supporters have already begun to congregate the Bondi Beach promenade, more than an hour before the runner is expected to arrive.

The Oz will be at the finish line when Brockmann completes his incredible journey.

3.55pm: $1.4m goal achieved

As Brockmann nears the end of his mega-marathon, the super-athlete's fundraising total has reached $1,465,895, from more than 22,000 donations.

Brockmann used a video message on Monday morning to encourage his Instagram followers to donate to the charity, which aims to connect homeless people with services that can support them. 

“The clouds are out, the birds are chirping, the cars are on the road and we’re coming home," he said, in a video showing him running along a highway.

"We’re coming home baby. Donate if you haven’t. It’s the last day. It’s not the last day to donate, but it’s the last f..kin’ day."

3.20pm: Brockmann issues concrete finishing time

Brockmann has warned his 150,000 Instagram followers to not be late to the finish line, as the runner tees up a 5.30pm arrival at the Bondi Beach promenade. 

"Shut her down," he wrote, encouraging his followers to swarm the beach and welcome the tired athlete home. 

Brockmann's team have warned fans not to run alongside him as he nears the finish, for safety reasons, but instead meet him on the promenade.

3.00pm: The weather is lifting for Nedd's arrival

Despite a bit of cloud cover and perhaps a light sprinkling, the weather at Bondi is looking up for Brockmann's grand finale. 

Hundreds of supporters are expected to flock to Bondi Beach on Monday afternoon to welcome the exhausted runner home, and now, hopefully, Sydney's dismal weather won't stop them. 

Ballsy Brockmann's $1 million cross-country run

Brockmann's million-dollar mega-marathon from Perth to Sydney is scheduled to finish on Monday evening, with the intrepid young runner completing the unbelievable feat in just 46 days. 

After a 3800km journey, the 23-year-old sparkie will run onto the iconic Bondi Beach promenade around 5pm to an expected crowd of hundreds - a small representation of the 150,000 people following his efforts on Instagram.

Picture: Bradley Farley
Picture: Bradley Farley

Raising money for homelessness charity Mobilise, Brockmann - sporting his iconic golden mullet - left Cottesloe Beach on September 1. He smashed his $1m goal by October 14, with the fund sitting just over $1.3m at the time of writing.

“The clouds are out, the birds are chirping, the cars are on the road and we’re coming home," he told his followers on Monday morning, in a video showing him running along a highway.

"We’re coming home baby. Donate if you haven’t. It’s the last day. It’s not the last day to donate, but it’s the last f..kin’ day."

The young gun has averaged over 80km a day, running for around 10 hours. He has been accompanied by his parents, Kylie and Ian Brockmann, girlfriend Jemma Griffin, friend and photographer Bradley Farley, as well as his physio and sponsor. Every day starts around 5am, with his entourage driving ahead of him for 20-kilometre periods.

His final run will be 59km long, with the runner spending his final night on the road in Campbelltown in western Sydney.

No stranger to physically-intense running accomplishments, Brockmann wowed running enthusiasts in 2020 by clocking 50 marathons in 50 days and raising $100,000 for Red Cross – all while working his day job.

The young tradie's heart for those less fortunate than himself has been just as evident in his latest expedition. Shocked by the amount of homelessness on Sydney’s streets, Brockmann, who hails from Forbes in Western NSW, dedicated his cross-country run to helping get people off the streets.

Alongside his fundraising goals, his lead sponsor Puma has helped him launch Lessgo A Million Challenge, challenging Australians to move 1 million kilometres.

Picture: Bradley Farley.
Picture: Bradley Farley.

Brockmann will be one of the fastest people to ever run across Australia, joining just a few dozen others who have completed the trip by foot.

Ellie Dudley
Ellie DudleyLegal Affairs Correspondent

Ellie Dudley is the legal affairs correspondent at The Australian covering courts, crime, and changes to the legal industry. She was previously a reporter on the NSW desk and, before that, one of the newspaper's cadets.

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