Your noon Briefing: Shorten vows to outdo PM on wages
Your 2-minute digest of the day’s top stories and a long read.
Hello readers. Bill Shorten will scrap the PM’s minimum wage submission to the FWC and Tony Abbott under attack like never before.
Any wage you can do ...
Bill Shorten will immediately withdraw the PM’s current submission to the Fair Work Commission on the minimum wage if he wins office. Keep up with the latest from the campaign trail in our live blog, PoliticsNow.
Attacking Abbott
The intense, sustained attack on Tony Abbott in Warringah is probably unprecedented and has done serious damage to his re-election prospects, writes Maurice Newman.
‘Drive stake through Dutton’s dark heart’
Paul Keating unleashes on “mean-spirited” Peter Dutton, sending a message to Dickson voters.
Daenerys’ dilemma
Fans have invested years in the young Targaryen’s tale … and this is what they get? Justin Burke on Game of Thrones’ penultimate episode. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
The long read: Door open for housing hit
Negative gearing and capital gains tax changes are leaving home values vulnerable, according to Adam Creighton.
Comment of the day
“As a 76-year-old self-funded retiree the ALP/Greens will crush me.The most irritating thing is that my life expectancy will not let me live to at least have the last laugh.”
Frank, in response to ‘Careful what you wish for, Abbott haters’.