Your noon Briefing: Election glow gone for business
Your 2-minute digest of the day’s top stories.
Hello readers. The post-election honeymoon is over for business, and remembering the first man on the moon.
Election glow is gone
Business confidence has slumped after a brief boost following May’s federal election.
Farmers’ fury
An ABC Four Corners report about the Murray Darling basin plan has been slammed by farmers as “reckless and ill-informed”.
The future of war
It may look like a child’s toy, but the Black Hornet nanodrone — which can slip unnoticed down a street or through a building — will change the nature of warfare.
Nadal: I’m more than Barty
Asked if Ash Barty’s match deserved Centre Court billing more than his, Rafa Nadal was blunt.
The long read: ‘A’ small step into history
The first man chosen to step onto the moon was quiet, modest and calm under pressure, writes Peter Shann Ford.