Your afternoon Briefing: Safe seat of Caulfield ‘very close’ to turning red
Good afternoon, readers. Latest voting count reveals full extent of Liberal defeat in Victoria and banking Royal Commission wraps up.
Good afternoon, readers. The latest voting count reveals the full extent of the Liberal Party’s defeat in Victoria and the banking Royal Commission has come to an end.
Latest count reveals true Lib defeat
Further vote counting shows the historically safe seat of Caulfield, among others, is “very close” to turning red for the first time. As Jack the Insider writes: the Morrison government is sleepwalking to an electoral calamity. Can the Liberal Party be roused from its slumber in time at least to save the furniture?
It’s cheerio to banking RoCo
The Hayne show may have come to an end but the phrase “can I show you a document?” has been carved into banking’s psyche.
Kids strike for climate action
Students have walked out of classrooms in their thousands to protest government inaction on climate change.
Cloak and dagger at ABC hearing
Michelle Guthrie fled Parliament House via the basement to avoid cameras, as a board member asked for his evidence regarding her sacking to be heard in private.
The incredible shrinking union
Dismal membership is the natural conclusion to dissatisfaction with a union more concerned with politics than the workforce, writes Troy Bramston.