

Tony Abbott rejects there was any ‘deal’ to hand over the prime ministership to Joe Hockey

Tony Abbott has rejected he had a deal with his treasurer Joe Hockey to pass on the prime ministership to him.

Joe Hockey says he has ‘more experience’ than most other politicians to be prime minister. Picture: Allison Shelley
Joe Hockey says he has ‘more experience’ than most other politicians to be prime minister. Picture: Allison Shelley

Joe Hockey believed he had a deal with Tony Abbott to hand him the prime ministership at some point during the Coalition’s time in government but the arrangement was thwarted when Malcolm Turnbull seized the Liberal leadership in September 2015.

Mr Hockey revealed the previously undisclosed arrangement with Mr Abbott during an exclusive interview ahead of publication of his new book, Diplomatic: A Washington Memoir (HarperCollins), next week. The revelation is not in the book.

The downfall of Mr Abbott and subsequent loss of Mr Hockey’s Treasury portfolio meant his long-held ambition remained “unfulfilled” even though he felt he had “more experience” than most other politicians to be prime minister.

Joe Hockey’s book, Diplomatic.
Joe Hockey’s book, Diplomatic.
Joe Hockey with Tony Abbott in 2015. Picture: Gary Ramage
Joe Hockey with Tony Abbott in 2015. Picture: Gary Ramage

He quit parliament and was later appointed ambassador to the US. “I was lucky to have the opportunity to be ambassador and continue to serve and to make a difference,” Mr Hockey told The Australian. “So it did go some way to addressing unfulfilled ambition and I felt as though I made a difference as ambassador.”

Mr Hockey said he talked to Mr Abbott about the leadership of the Liberal Party several times and they reached an understanding he would be next leader and if the change took place in government, the next prime minister.

“There wasn’t a Kirribilli Agreement,” he said, “(but) that was the expectation, yes.”

Asked four times if Mr Abbott supported Mr Hockey as his successor and there was a clear agreement, the former treasurer replied “yes” each time. “You’ve got an exclusive,” he added.

Mr Abbott relinquished the prime ministership to Mr Turnbull after losing a partyroom ballot 44 votes to 54 in September 2015. Mr Hockey was denied the opportunity by Mr Turnbull to continue as treasurer.

Mr Abbott posted a statement on Twitter on Thursday night saying the claims were false and “absurd”.

“This story about a ‘secret deal’ to make Joe Hockey PM is fake news,” Mr Abbott said. “The idea that I would do a secret deal to hand over the prime ministership is absurd because it’s not in the gift of anyone, let alone a PM under the sort of pressure I was.

“As Troy Bramston well knows my view is that the prime ministership should be decided by the people, not any two individuals conspiring in secret which I would never do.”

The aspiration to lead the Liberal Party and become prime minister had long been nursed by Mr Hockey. He stood in a ballot for Liberal leader against Mr Abbott and Mr Turnbull in December 2009. He was eliminated after the first ballot and Mr Abbott defeated Mr Turnbull by 42 votes to 41.

Mr Hockey expected to be prime minister and thought he would have been a good one. “I had more experience than many, most, other people to be prime minister,” he said. “Look at all the portfolios I had and how I navigated them and continued to get appointed by John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott, and promoted and promoted.

Then prime minister Tony Abbott and treasurer Joe Hockey ahead of the 2014 budget. Picture: Gary Ramage.
Then prime minister Tony Abbott and treasurer Joe Hockey ahead of the 2014 budget. Picture: Gary Ramage.

“I was a conviction politician … I think people know who I am. I think the most important thing in politics is to have conviction, to be authentic, but also to have the courage to do unpopular things.”

The deal between Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey recalls that reached between Bob Hawke and Paul Keating at Kirribilli House in 1988 to facilitate a leadership transition after the 1990 election.

Peter Costello believes he reached an agreement with Mr Howard in 1994 to retire after 1½ terms in government and become prime minister. Mr Howard disputes this but it was witnessed by Ian McLachlan.

Kevin Rudd says he offered Julia Gillard a leadership transition agreement in 2010 that would see him depart after a third term. Ms Gillard, who toppled Mr Rudd in Labor’s first term, has rejected this claim.


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