
NSW government to probe greyhound racing over ‘significant issues’

The NSW government will investigate the state’s greyhound racing industry following allegations of ‘significant issues’, including inflated rehoming figures and mistreatment of dogs.

The NSW greyhound racing industry allegedly has ‘significant issues’, including inflated rehoming figures and mistreatment of dogs.
The NSW greyhound racing industry allegedly has ‘significant issues’, including inflated rehoming figures and mistreatment of dogs.

The NSW government will investigate the state’s greyhound racing industry following allegations of “significant issues”, including inflated rehoming figures and mistreatment of dogs.

Greyhound Racing NSW confirmed that chief executive Robert Macaulay had resigned following reports the organisation’s former chief veterinarian had alleged “important issues” in the industry in a handover document to his successor.

The document alleged the industry raced greyhounds too frequently at a “barbaric … level”, that the industry was inflating rehoming figures, and that greyhounds were housed in “industrial kennels” to live out post-racing lives.

Premier Chris Minns and Racing Minister David Harris on Wednesday ruled out shutting down the industry entirely.

“We’re not going to (do that) but we do take this report seriously,” Mr Minns said. “It’s been presented to the minister, who is assessing the criticisms; they’ll be … fully investigated.”

Mr Harris said the government was “working on putting together the final parts of an inquiry to look into the details that have been raised, not just in this report but other reports”.

“We want to make sure that we have a clear pathway going forward that has clear definitions in place about how the sport should be run. This is not about closing the industry down, it’s about making sure they can be the best that they can be.

“I don’t apologise for that. I ­acknowledge that has caused strain between my office and Greyhound Racing NSW, but that’s appropriate because as a government, we have to make sure this sport is reaching the highest standards.”

Animal Justice Party MLC Emma Hurst said the government’s pledge not to shut down the industry made a “mockery of any so-called ‘investigation’.”

“Apparently whatever comes to light, the NSW government is too deep in the pockets of the harmful racing and gambling industries,” she said.

“We need a public reassurance that no matter what the recommendations are that the government will take appropriate action – even if the recommendation is to shut down the industry.”

She said allegations levelled at GRNSW had been “damning”, and called for an upper house inquiry “where allegations can be properly investigated in a public forum and whistleblowers can come forward”.

Contacted for comment, Grey­hound Racing NSW said it took “any claim or concern ­related to animal welfare or the integrity of our rehoming ­programs very seriously”. “In response to the complaint issued by Dr (Alex) Brittan, GRNSW quickly appointed former Victorian police commissioner Graham Ashton to con­duct an independent review of its contents. (He) established Victoria Police’s Sporting Integrity Unit a decade ago and last year completed an inquiry into the South Australian greyhound racing industry that was commissioned by the government.

“That is a demonstration of how serious we are about ensuring the matters raised by Dr Brittan are thoroughly investigated.

“It would not be appropriate o comment further while Mr Ashton’s review is ongoing.”

Noah Yim
Noah YimReporter

Noah Yim is a reporter at the Sydney bureau of The Australian.

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