

Liberal leaders launch pre-election attack on Anthony Albanese’s ‘weak leadership’

Peter Dutton, Sussan Ley and John Howard launch personal attacks on Anthony Albanese’s ‘weak leadership’ in pre-election pitches on energy, security, social cohesion and the economy.

Anthony Albanese is being labelled the weakest prime minister in modern history by the Liberal leadership. Picture: Stephanie Dalton
Anthony Albanese is being labelled the weakest prime minister in modern history by the Liberal leadership. Picture: Stephanie Dalton

Peter Dutton, Sussan Ley and John Howard will launch personal attacks on Anthony Albanese’s “weak leadership” in pre-election pitches that only the Coalition can deliver cheaper power, social cohesion, more jobs, a growing economy and stronger national security.

Speaking at the Liberal Party federal council meeting on Saturday, the Opposition Leader and Deputy Opposition Leader will say the Prime Minister has “compromised the honour of the office he holds” and is a “liar in The Lodge”.

Ahead of his speech to the federal council gala dinner on Friday night marking the 80th anniversary of the Liberal Party, Mr Howard accused Mr Albanese of failing his duty as prime minister to prevent the outbreak of anti-Semitism.

Mr Howard, who made a rare departure from the protocol of former prime ministers reserving commentary on serving prime ministers, said he felt strongly about the issue.

“My theory is that if he had come out the day after (the October 7 attacks by Hamas) and just announced that we had to unite, I think this business that is now confronting us would not have occurred,” the former Liberal prime minister told The Weekend Australian.

“The Prime Minister sets the tone and he has failed abysmally on that front.”

In his speech to the Liberal Party dinner, Mr Howard praised Mr Dutton for showing “courage” in pursuing nuclear energy.

Amid rising speculation of an early election, the Liberal Party leaders will position Mr Dutton as ready to lead the country and describe Mr Albanese as being “completely out of his depth” and “willing to lie to you when it works for him and his politics”.

Mr Dutton, who will tell the federal council in Sydney that the Coalition “can and must” win the next election to get the country “back on track”, warns voters the stakes are higher than at recent elections.

“Leadership matters. For Australians, the next election will also be a choice about the type of leadership and character they expect from their prime minister. I think Mr Albanese is a decent man who cares deeply about his country. But I believe he is completely out of his depth as Prime Minister,” Mr Dutton will say.

“I believe he has compromised the honour of the office he holds. He has broken 12 core promises. Most egregiously in promising Australians – prior to the election – that they would be better off under a Labor government.”

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Mr Dutton and Ms Ley will ­invoke “out of control” budget spending, business closures, high power bills, the failed “$500m voice referendum”, border security breaches, and the growing threat of armed conflict in the ­region to argue for a change in government.

The Opposition Leader will say “an election is on the horizon (that) will define the future and fate of this nation”.

“Australians can’t afford another three years of the Albanese Labor government. In the last two years, Labor has made our economy more vulnerable. Our nation less safe and less secure. Our society less cohesive.”

Ms Ley will say “Australians have gone backwards” under Labor and will accuses Mr Albanese of being the “weakest prime minister we have seen in modern Australian history”.

“When the going gets tough this bloke goes into hiding,” Ms Ley will say. “Australians are seeing that Anthony Albanese is just not up to the job and he is cracking under pressure. We have a Prime Minister who is willing to lie to you when it works for him and his politics. We have a liar in The Lodge and you cannot trust anything he says.”

Introducing Mr Dutton, Ms Ley will say he “knows what it takes to make the hard calls in tough times”.

“Peter has built businesses and balanced the books. Peter has made the hard calls and stood up for our national interest, time and time again,” she will say.

Read related topics:Anthony AlbanesePeter Dutton

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