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Undated copy pic of Lynette (Lyn) Dawson in  on her wedding day. Dawson has been missing since 1982 with the coroner ruling she had been murdered by a 'known person' in 2003.

Public call for murder trial

A public campaign is mounting for prosecutors to take to trial the suspected murder of Sydney mother Lyn Dawson | LISTEN

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SUNDAY TELEGRAPH SPECIAL. Disappearance of Lyn (Lynette) Dawson. 35 years since Lyn went missing from her home in Bayview on Sydney's Northern Beaches. Her husband Chris Dawson was the main suspect however no one has ever charged in relation to her presumed death.  Lyn (Lynette Joy) Dawson 20.11.76

All well until babysitter appeared

When Sydney mother Lyn Dawson went missing, her friend Robyn Warren thought Lyn’s husband Chris would be in a ‘dither’.

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