Ice scuppers Endurance search
The team seeking the resting place of Shackleton’s Endurance has announced it has given up, defeated once again by the ice.
The team seeking the resting place of Shackleton’s Endurance has announced it has given up, defeated once again by the ice.
Often we focus on how things look on the outside rather than how things are functioning on the inside.
The endangered black-throated finch is on the verge of halting Adani’s controversial coalmine after a review.
NASA’s veteran Opportunity rover has analysed its last soil sample.
The nation’s most controversial coalmine could be thwarted by a small perching songbird known for its distinctive black bib.
There is a need for firm decisions, along with appropriate funding for dealing with the nation’s ageing nuclear facilities, experts say.
Health insurer HCF is arming its members with details on the out-of-pocket fees charged by a range of specialists.
Malaysian authorities have made a record seizure of about 30 tonnes of pangolins and their scales worth some $2.8m in raids.
A study finds a vitamin C tablet twice a day could help more than one million Australians with type 2 diabetes reduce their blood sugar levels.
Consumers should shop around for a health insurance fund that offers the government’s youth discount, says the Health Minister.
A new, hard-bodied fitness tribe is in the gym every day and not just doing yoga.
Researchers are climbing remote mountains in Antarctica to hack away chunks of fossilised bird spit.
The past four years were the hottest since global temperature records began, a new UN report has revealed.
Hip replacements are on the rise, even among the under-60s. Start looking after yours now.
To mark World Cancer Day, the Union for International Cancer Control has launched a three-year campaign to improve early detection.
The regrowth of Kinglake National Park has helped with the healing of the community, ranger Tony Fitzgerald says.
Arianwen Parkes-Lockwood has thrown her support behind a campaign to get Pope Francis to go vegan for Lent.
Young doctors should work up to 65 hours a week for their professional development despite the risks, says college
North isn’t quite where it used to be. The north magnetic pole has been drifting so fast that past estimates are no longer accurate.
Himalayan glaciers will shrink by at least a third by the end of the century because of climate change, a study says.
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