Coalition to force PM’s hand on salmon standoff; legislation and binding motions on table
The Coalition is devising a plan to force the Prime Minister’s hand on Tasmania’s great salmon standoff, with major federal election implications.
The Coalition will force Anthony Albanese’s hand on Tasmania’s salmon standoff if parliament returns next month, either via binding parliamentary motion or legislation.
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek for more than a year has been “reconsidering” federal approvals for salmon farming in remote Macquarie Harbour, out of concern for an endangered skate.
The $1.4bn industry claims hundreds of jobs are at risk, and Labor strategists believe the uncertainty caused by the review is cruelling its prospects in key marginal seats.
The Prime Minister used a trip to the harbour late last year to vow to “do what’s necessary to … make sure that these jobs are able to continue”, and this week confirmed reports in The Australian that he was open to a legislative fix.
The PM on Wednesday flagged changes to curtail the kind of review of past approvals Ms Plibersek has launched of salmon pens, arguing they were not the original intent of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
However, he was noncommittal and declined to say whether any change would be retrospective, to nullify the salmon review, while refusing to guarantee a decision before the election.
Coalition environment and fisheries spokesman Jonno Duniam on Friday told The Weekend Australian if parliament resumed as scheduled on February 4, the opposition would force the PM and Labor into a position.
“The government has wasted three years having promised to fix environmental approval laws this term,” Senator Duniam said.
“If the government won’t do their job, then – on behalf of salmon workers and regional communities affected by Labor and the Greens’ inaction on environmental law reform – we will have all options on the table to force the government to fix this mess.”
It is understood the Coalition will seek to compel Ms Plibersek to make an immediate decision on her review, which began more than a year ago.
This could be via a parliamentary motion or legislation. Legislative options include retrospectively defining the “as soon as reasonably practicable” period the minister has to make decisions under the Act.
A parliamentary motion would seek to be as binding as possible and direct Ms Plibersek to make an immediate decision, placing her otherwise at risk of censure.
Coalition strategists believe it could pass with the support of the Greens, who while opposed to salmon farms in the harbour also back a timely decision.
Ms Plibersek in November 2023 accepted a request by lobby groups to “reconsider” 2012 approvals for salmon pens in the harbour, after scientific advice oxygen depletion linked to aquaculture was having a “catastrophic” impact on the Maugean skate.
New documents released under Freedom of Information show Ms Plibersek’s department late last year again advised her of a “substantial correlation” between the main threat to the skate – low oxygen – and salmon farms.
The department on October 21 also advised “conservation actions” to save the unique, ancient species, found only in Macquarie Harbour, “would have implications for” aquaculture.
Salmon farm opponents said this latest advice underlined the need for an urgent decision to exclude fish pens from the harbour.
“Despite attempts by the foreign-owned salmon industry and some politicians to discredit evidence that salmon farming is the primary problem in Macquarie Harbour, the department has again confirmed the science is sound,” said Eloise Carr, director of The Australia Institute, Tasmania. “The minister cannot ignore this advice.”
However, industry points to skate monitoring data, released in September, that showed a stabilisation of the population, after it almost halved from 2014 to 2021. Industry also claims a federally funded oxygenation project is improving water quality.
Ms Plibersek has said she will make a decision based on the law and scientific advice.
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