Anthony Albanese moves to sell Sydney investment property, evict tenant
A small-business owner who rents a Sydney townhouse from Anthony Albanese has pleaded with his landlord to not evict him.
A small-business owner who rents a Sydney townhouse from Anthony Albanese has pleaded with his landlord to not evict him, as the Prime Minister moves to sell the three-bedroom home.
Mr Albanese confirmed to The Daily Telegraph on Wednesday that he intended to sell the property in Dulwich Hill, in Sydney’s inner west, as he prepares to marry fiancee Jodie Haydon. “I’ve had changes in my personal life so I’ve decided to sell,” he said.
The tenant, Jim Flanagan, has lived at the property for four years but earlier this month was sent a termination letter from property manager, Raine & Horne Marrickville. While understanding Mr Albanese has a right to sell the property, Mr Flanagan decided to speak out after seeing the $1.9bn boost to the commonwealth rent assistance package rolled out in Tuesday’s federal budget.
Mr Albanese purchased the property for $1.175m in 2015. He owns another investment property in neighbouring Marrickville, rented for $1350 a week.
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