Mary Grace Crystal Hair Remover review: ‘Painless’ hair removal? Not quite
It’s touted as an alternative to waxing, lasering, plucking and epilation. But there’s a big problem with this ‘crystal hair remover’.
A “CRYSTAL HAIR REMOVER”, EH! DOESIT WORK BY COSMIC VIBRATIONS AND WISHFUL THINKING? No, the name refers to the “nano-crystalline glass” textured underside of this hand-held device.
WHAT DOES IT DO? When rubbed in a circular fashion on your skin, friction from the textured surface gently weakens the follicles and removes the unwanted hair.
WHAT SORT OF HAIR ARE WE TALKING ABOUT HERE? Leg hair, obviously. Also public hair – pubes that make a break for freedom around the swimming cossie elastic. Weirdly, Mary Grace nominates “knuckles” as a problem-hair area, too.
SO THIS IS A GADGET FOR ANYONE WHO’S TOO MUCH OF A WUSS FOR WAXING, LASERING, PLUCKING, SHAVING OR EPILATION? Perhaps. It’s a “painless alternative”, Mary Grace says. Only problem is, it doesn’t work very well.
NO? Well, not on my hairy man-legs, at least. I spent 20 minutes trying to get ’em smooth and peachy, and the only thing I got was weird looks. (Memo to self: never remove your trousers in the office.)