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Comment guidelines

Our comments section is a place for healthy, constructive and challenging conversations. The basic rules are simple -we encourage you to share your views, but be respectful of your fellow commenters. We don't allow abuse, racism, sexism, predatory behaviour, trolls, threats, spam, ALL CAPS, or hyperlinks to other sites. We also can't engage in correspondence over why comments weren't published. Why? Because there are more of you than there are of us (across our brands we receive more than three million comments annually) so we have to focus on applying our moderation resources (which might include AI tools to supplement our human resources) to checking each new comment as it comes in. If your comment isn't published, check the guidelines below and you can resubmit. If you see a comment you think should not have been approved, flag it so our moderators can see it.

Please remember, our comments pages are public - if your comment is approved, you can see it, your friends can see it, and the person (or people) you're commenting on can see it. It's like a letter to the editor in our print edition. It's real.

The guidelines below, as well as the context in which a comment is made, are all taken into consideration by our moderators. If your comment does not meet these standards, it will not be published.

We aim to have constructive conversations in an environment where people feel welcomed, accepted and safe to share their original thoughts and ideas.

You can email if you'd like a moderation decision to be reviewed, however no correspondence will be entered into.

Comments that display the following characteristics will be rejected

  • Comments that are defamatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, or anything prejudiced against or mocking of any religion, ethnicity, age, or disability
  • Comments that are rude or inflammatory, or comments that will not positively further debate
  • Anything which is inappropriate for publication for legal reasons
  • Comments in capital letters, or mostly in capital letters
  • Comments in all bold font, or mostly in bold font.
  • Name-calling, when not in context of the article
  • The use of nicknames is acceptable, but denigrating sobriquets will be rejected
  • Comments containing swear words and profanities, including words with numbers or symbols in place of letters
  • Personal attacks on other readers or gratuitous criticism of other comments or commenters
  • Personal attacks on the author: We welcome readers' opinions and encourage them to respectfully debate the opinions expressed by our journalists, but will we not allow personal attacks nor comments that question journalistic integrity.
  • Criticism of News Corp Australia, News Corp and our associated entities, our articles and writers is acknowledged, but any persistent misrepresentation of News Corp Australia, News Corp or our associated companies will not be published
  • Comments that are off-topic
  • Comments that advertise, promote or solicit any goods or services for commercial purposes
  • Comments that contain personal details including addresses and contact numbers
  • Duplicate comments - do not submit a comment more than once. The system automatically refuses any comment which has already been received
  • Comments containing URL links. In some circumstances, comments containing URL links may be approved, but this will be at the discretion of the moderator

Comments that display the following characteristics will be rejected. In addition, a commenter that repeatedly breaches these guidelines, may have their account suspended.

  • Infringements upon or violations of the copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any person or organisation
  • Defamatory statements including statements which degrade others on the basis of gender, race, age, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness or impairment, physical appearance or other classification
  • Obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or vulgar comments
  • Using offensive or inappropriate language for your User or Display Name is not permitted and will result in non-publication of comments and potentially the suspension of your commenting account.
  • Statements which are predatory, hateful, or have the intention to intimidate or harass, or name-calling
  • Mocking or derogatory nicknames.
  • Victim-blaming
  • Statements that contain or advocate illegal or violent acts
  • Including personal information in your comment such as addresses, phone numbers, workplaces
  • Any violation of state, national, or international law
  • Spam, advertising, a promotion or any solicitation of any kind
  • Falsely representing yourself including: altering or appropriating another person's identity, altering your username or display name in an attempt to be represented as another commenter, falsely representing yourself as a prominent person or person of interest or a person referenced in the article.
  • Comments critical of moderation/moderators. If you have any issues with moderation or wish to query a moderation decision, email and a senior editor at The Australian will investigate. Please note no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Mistruths, whether deliberate or accidental. Readers are encouraged to quote reputable sources to back up claims/reinforce statements.
  •  User names that reflect any of the above characteristics are not permitted and may result in the suspension of commenting accounts.

So, if we believe you are violating these commenting guidelines, we may send you a notification via email that you have either been suspended from commenting for a certain period of time or have been banned from commenting for the foreseeable future.

We do our best to ensure fairness, but in all cases we reserve the right to suspend and/or ban accounts without notice, for any reason, but particularly to protect our services, our journalists and our readers and community. We are not obliged to publish any comment if it breaches our guidelines or for any other reason. We reserve the right to enforce these commenting guidelines at our discretion.

Comments not loading

There are a number of potential issues causing comments not to load on your browser or app. Here are some steps you can take before contacting us.

Try logging out of your account and in again. If you've changed your subscriber account email address recently, we need to re-sync your account. Send us an email at to let us know. If you've tried logging out and in again already and if you're using Internet Explorer - try Google Chrome as an alternative.

If you're using the App

1. Go to the 'Settings icon at the top right hand corner of the app

App login

2. You will see logout as an option to click on as per the screenshot below.

App login 2

3. If you signed up via iTunes, click 'Get Digital pass' Click on this option and you'll be prompted to fill out a form, ensure you use the same address as your itunes subscription.Once completed you will be emailed a digital pass, with which you can also access the web and mobile sites, and access rewards. The app will automatically register you have a digital pass and you will then be able to see the comments

Digital pass

Still having issues?

1. Email comments@theaustralian and tell us what web browser you are using to access the site and if possible which version?

2. If you are using the app - let us know. Screenshots are also useful for troubleshooting errors.

3. You can use this service to gather your information for us.

Can I comment on articles in the app?

Yes you can. You can post, read and respond to comments on articles in the iOS and Android app as well as on the website and mobile site. Your comments will appear at the bottom of the story in the app and on the mobile and websites.

Comments will appear at the bottom of the story in the app and on the mobile and websites.

I commented on a story, why was it not published?

Comments on The Australian are moderated before publication. The guidelines above are used to determine whether a comment is suitable for publication. Moderators may also decline comments which do adhere to these guidelines but which may for some other reason be inappropriate for publication. This decision is at the discretion of the moderator.

Can I use a screen name or display name on my comments?

Subscribers to The Australian can now add and manage their public facing 'Display name' for commenting on stories via the new My Account admin area. To update your display name go to My Account from the top right account menu.

My Account help

Your username should not contain swear words, disguised or otherwise, should not include offensive racial language, or appropriate the names of offensive organisations or political parties.  Display names reported by other subscribers as offensive will be assessed by moderators and suspension applied if necessary. Comments will not be approved if a moderator deems a username is offensive. Full comment guidelines above.

How can I view my comment history?

You can now view comment history in two ways.

You will see your most recent comments including your 'pending' comments in the 'My Profile' tab before it is moderated. In this tab you'll also be able to see your comment history and the status of each comment. You will see a label on each comment indicating if it was 'accepted', 'rejected', or 'pending', a linked story title, and all user interactions with your comment.

My Comments screenshot

We also offer a link accessible in the subscriber dropdown menu at the top right of every page and story called 'My comments'.  This will open up a full page of your entire commenting history as a subscriber with links to each  accepted comment in context.

Logged in subscribers can access this page at

Why are comments moderated?

We moderate all comments to ensure they comply with our Commenting policy and to ensure that our subscribers can enjoy robust and open debate in a safe and respectful environment.

What is the Australian's policy on suspending comments?

Our Comments policy outlines our policy on suspension of commenters. Links to the policy can be found above the comment submission box on all stories that are open for comments. Commenters who consistently violate these guidelines may be suspended from commenting on

Here are some tips below to ensure your voice is heard:

  • Keep things civil - refrain from anything that could be taken as defamatory, racist, sexist, homophobic or prejudiced against any religion, ethnicity, age or disability.
  • If you use a banned word, you will be notified with a pop-up.
  • Steer clear of CAPS - opinions are best communicated with word choice, not formatting. Use of caps can imply anger or shouting.
  • Be short and concise - treat your thought like a tweet, not an essay. Stay on topic - discuss the issue and avoid personal attacks on an author or individual.

What is offline browsing?

If you have wifi on your device on overnight, the following day's edition will be available for you when you open the App. Offline browsing allows individuals to download the latest news stories for later viewing. This means that you can take today's edition with you wherever you go without needing to rely on a Wi-Fi connection or a mobile network connection.

I'm having trouble renewing my subscription through iTunes, what should I do?

If you have more than one iTunes account set up, check that you're using the correct account. You may also want to confirm that the email address you registered The Australian iOS App with is the same as the one you're using to renew your subscription.

Often, turning your device off and on can resolve the issue. If the problem persists, you can try removing and re- installing the app. Then, if you are still experiencing difficulties renewing your subscription, please contact our customer support team. To help us address your query, we request that you quote your iTunes receipt.

I haven't received any newsletters I've subscribed to, what do I do?

Please check your newsletter subscription list in your account. After you have logged in to your account, you can access the My Account Menu by clicking on the Account Icon. Select the "My Account" Menu item. Click the "Newsletters" link located on the left hand menu. View the newsletter list and ensure the newsletters you've subscribed to is ticked. If they are not ticked, tick the checkbox. If the newsletter is ticked in the 'manage my newsletters' menu, please phone Customer Support on 1300 MY NEWS (1300 69 63 97) and they'll do their best to resolve the problem.

How do I unsubscribe to a newsletter?

Please ensure that you are logged into your account.

After you have logged in to your account, you can access the My Account Menu by clicking on the Account Icon.

Select the "My Account" Menu item.

You will be asked to re-enter your login details for added security.

Click the "Newsletters" link located on the left hand menu.

manage newsletters

Click the "Manage my preferences" link.

manage newsletters 2

Uncheck any newsletters you do not wish to subscribe too.

unsubscribe menu

How do I subscribe to a newsletter?

If you are not logged into your account, or not yet a subscriber, the simplest way to subscribe to our newsletters is via this page:

For subscribers, you can also manage your newsletters in "My Account". After you have logged in, you can access your account settings by clicking on your name to reveal a drop-down menu. Select the "My Account" menu item.

my account 1 edited

my account 2 edited

Once you have logged in click the "Manage My Newsletters" menu item located on the left hand menu. This will take you to a screen which lists all your existing newsletter subscriptions.

manage newsletters 2

>Click on the "Manage my preferences" button down the bottom to navigate to additional newsletters that you can subscribe to.Here you can choose the newsletters you wish to subscribe to by clicking on the + symbol.

select newsletter 1

When you have selected all the newsletters that you wish to subscribe to you will be prompted with the confirmation banner below:

confirm newsletter

Click "Confirm your newsletter" to validate the subscription and you will receive this confirmation notice once the subscription is successful.

confirm newsletter success

Can I view the Digital Print edition in the app?

The print editions of the paper can be accessed via the Digital Print Edition section on the top navigation, within 'The Australian Android app' and 'The Australian iOS app'.

Will I lose my archived digital print editions when I upgrade the app?

Yes. Anything in your library will be erased when the app is upgraded. This is because we have updated the iOS and android apps to include a new and improved version of today's paper in the iOS and Android apps. Going forward, your library items will then remain in your library in the new version.

I'm having trouble renewing my subscription, what do I do?

If you have more than one iTunes account set up, check that you're using the correct account. You may also want to confirm that the email address you registered The Australian iOS App with is the same as the one you're using to renew your subscription.

Often, turning your device off and on can resolve the issue. If the problem persists, you can try removing and re-installing the app. Then, if you are still experiencing difficulties renewing your subscription, please contact our customer support team. To help us address your query, we request that you quote your iTunes receipt.

Can I opt out of receiving notifications in the app?

Yes you can. Go to settings in the app, and then choose which notifications you would like to receive or opt out of receiving.


What if I forget my log in details?

First check that you're using the same email address and password you used to register for your subscription (this is sometimes referred to as your 'news+ account').

Remember, your log in details are case sensitive. If you've forgotten the email address you used, simply call Customer Support on 1300 MY NEWS (1300 696 397). If you've forgotten one of your social account passwords for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+, you'll need to get in touch with them directly.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it from any log in screen. We'll send you an email with a temporary password, which you'll need to update when you use it to log in. You can also update your password any time you like. To do so, please visit the My Details section of My Account.

Username and password is not working, can't login.

If you are a subscriber and experiencing login issues , check the following :

Caps Lock might be on.

Passwords in Windows are case-sensitive, which means that every time you type your password, you have to capitalise each letter in exactly the same way that you did when you first created it. If you have accidentally pressed Caps Lock , then you're inadvertently typing your password in all capital letters. Make sure Caps Lock is off, and then type your password again. Check the caps-lock light on your keyboard is not lit.

You might be typing the wrong password.

If you can't remember your password, you need to reset your password by simply clicking the "Login" button which is located on the top left hand corner of the page and you will see a screen as shown below. Under login click "Forgot your password"

Username and password is not working, can't login.

You might be trying to log on to the wrong user account

If you have more than one user account on the computer, make sure you're logging on to the account that matches the password you're using. This includes the correct email address been used and not from old or previous account.

Browser cookies ON

To be able to login, your browser needs to accept cookies. Please check browser settings to make sure your cookies are accepted.

Commercial content overview

The Australian produces a variety of content with commercial support from third parties.

This content can take the form of stories, galleries, video, graphics and events across our print and digital publications. Funding of this kind often enables The Australian to produce news and analysis on certain topics in more depth and detail than we might otherwise.

We seek only to produce content that will inform and engage our audience. At all times we will make clear the role of the advertiser in relation to the production of any commercial content by using labels and footnotes. These include:

'In partnership with'This label is used to describe content that The Australian produces through an ongoing partnership with an outside party.

This content explores a particular issue or theme in detail and over an extended time period. Any content produced as part of a partnership will include a label signifying that it is partnership content, which will typically carry a partner's brand or logo in addition to that of The Australian.

Before any partnership is agreed with a client, senior editors are consulted about its suitability and The Australian's editor-in-chief has the final say on whether a partnership proceeds.

The newspaper's editorial staff is involved in the creation of partnership content, and although a commercial partner may be briefed on the topics and themes that will be covered, partners have no influence over the final product, nor are they able to see any content prior to publication.

The content is written and edited by The Australian's journalists, or by contributors approved by The Australian, to the same standards expected of all of our journalism.

'Sponsored by/Brought to you by'It explores a specific theme that would be of interest and value to our readers but which also aligns to an advertiser's goals.

Advertisers can approve the general themes for the content, but have no control over any aspect of its creation, nor are they able to see any content prior to publication, other than for clarification or to address legal concerns, at the commercial editorial team's discretion. The advertiser and/or their brand may be mentioned in the content but only on merit and at the discretion of The Australian's commercial editors.

The content is written and edited by journalists engaged and approved by The Australian, to the same standards expected of all of our journalism.

Online, stories will be clearly identified as sponsored content and will feature the sponsor's logo.

In the newspaper the content will appear as a promoted feature on a clearly designated page, with a strap detailing the topic and its sponsor, using the terms “SPONSORED BY”, “BROUGHT TO YOU BY” or “IN ASSOCIATION WITH” and including the sponsor's logo or brand if desired.

'Advertorial'Advertorial content describes features that are paid for and controlled by the advertiser rather than by The Australian; they are subject to regulation by the Advertising Standards Authority.

The Australian's commercial team may at times assist an advertiser in content production, or the content will be provided by the advertiser directly. The client is allowed to see this content prior to its publication, although The Australian's editors retain the right to edit or remove any content that they believe is inappropriate for our audience.

Such content will be clearly marked as an “ADVERTISING FEATURE”, whether it appears as a digital-only execution or in print.

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