
Last Post: Combating racism, Nemesis and getting a life

Perhaps NSW police can kindly explain to the Australian Jewish children who have to endure armed guards outside their kindergartens the legal difference between gassing Jews versus just hunting them down.

Galya Kay, Bondi Junction, NSW

As a proud Australian Jew, you can’t believe my relief to learn the violent, braying mob didn’t say “gas the Jews” but “where’s the Jews?”. Let’s not delude ourselves, strong decisive powers are required for police to be effective in combating racism. The NSW Premier must be commended for staying true to this pursuit.

David Faktor, Bondi, NSW

Are people really okay with, allegedly, some large store chains capturing our children’s images with facial recognition? Try asking the federal education department what its policy is on image abuse. If our schools have no idea on image abuse and how it’s killing our kids, then as adults should we be surprised the Georgie Purcell case is the tip of a very large iceberg, slowly sinking the good ship of societal tolerance and decency?

Scott Palmer, Mullumbimby, NSW

The young son of a colleague was recently given the boot from his casual job. He was caught using his mobile regularly during working hours when it was clearly not permitted in his contract. The 19-year-old was outraged, stating to his manager, “I’ve got a life, you know”. Fair dinkum. The “culture of entitlement” personified. He now has a life ¬without any income.

Michael J Gamble, Belmont, Vic

Move over, Billy McMahon. ABC TV show Nemesis reinforced my conviction that the least impressive Liberal PM ever is a tight finish between the incompetent Tony Abbott and the delusional Scott Morrison.

Kevin Burke, Sandringham, Vic

“Wharfies … will return to work with the same enthusiasm, hard work and commitment that they have brought to their jobs over many years,” says the MUA (“Consumers on the hook as wharfies net 25pc pay hike, 3-4/2). I well remember those “many years”. God help us.

Ian Gill, Cooroibah, Qld

With the concern about the long-term effects of concussion/CTE in the four Australian football codes (“NRL’s second hit after study goes missing”, 3-4/2) one has to ask why the physical pursuits of boxing and mixed martial arts– where the primary target is the head – do not seem to consider the need to modify their rules. Scoring (as in fencing with a foil) would seem a preferable alternative. The silence is deafening.

Andrew Crocker, East Perth, WA

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