RBG’s death sparks battle royal
Before she died Justice Ginsburg said: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” But Mr Trump has the constitutional power to nominate a replacement whenever he likes. Doing so now offers an opportunity to fulfil his promise to enshrine a conservative majority on the bench for a generation. That prospect fired up his support base in 2016. His reported frontrunner is Amy Coney Barrett, 48, a Catholic mother of seven who is reportedly anti-abortion and anti-same-sex marriage.
With a conservative majority, Cameron Stewart reports, the Supreme Court would be more supportive of Mr Trump on gun rights, religious freedom, and free speech and more hostile to abortion, anti-discrimination laws and immigration. But he needs to be cautious. As much as enshrining a 6-3 majority would energise his base, it is also likely to energise Democrat voters at a time he is trailing Joe Biden by 7 per cent in most polls. At seven million US cases and 200,000 deaths, Mr Trump’s handling of COVID-19 weighs heavily on his chances. Campaigning on the court could divert attention.
Democrats are claiming “gross hypocrisy” over the rush. Republican senators in 2016 refused a vote on Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland, insisting it be left to whoever won the election. This time, some Senate Republicans also want a replacement left to the winner in November, and note Mr Trump’s 2018 nomination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh took three months to pass the Senate.
Donald Trump wants “no delay” in replacing the influential liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the nine-member bench of the powerful US Supreme Court. Her death from cancer at the age of 87 has unleashed a titanic battle, with big implications for November’s election, especially if the court has to rule on any dispute, as it did in 2000 between George W Bush and Al Gore over Florida ballots.