Puerile encounter reflects low ebb in US political life
Both men must shoulder the blame. Mr Trump was always going to emerge like a cage fighter, determined to flatten his opponent. But even by his own standards of bullying and ad hominem attacks he overplayed his hand. He interrupted Mr Biden so often that he did not allow the challenger enough time to make the mistakes and gaffes the President claimed Mr Biden’s dotage and diminishing acuity would lead him into. As Washington correspondent Cameron Stewart noted, it was a clash between the towering, red-faced Mr Trump, 74, and his white-haired, 77-year-old challenger that was “ugly to watch”. Mr Trump repeatedly interrupted Mr Biden while moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News tried in vain to get him to conform with the rules agreed by both sides. “He (Trump) looked like a bully … let’s face it, he is a bully,” Greg Sheridan wrote.
Mr Biden was not much better, interrupting almost as much. The candidate who says he wants to restore dignity to national and international politics and bring the US together after the “disaster” of the Trump presidency hurled his own abuse, calling, Mr Trump a “racist”, telling him to “shut up” and complaining: “It’s hard to get anywhere with this clown — excuse me, this person.” At one point he said: “Keep yapping, man.” In an unedifying display, the pair spun falsehoods as fast as each other. US voters have seldom seen anything as bad between two contenders to lead the free world. The 10 per cent of as yet undecided voters, in particular, deserved better than what The Wall Street Journal summed up as a “depressing fiasco” of “insults, interruptions, endless cross-talk, exaggerations and flat-out lies”.
Mr Trump gave a clear defence of his move to fill the Supreme Court vacancy before the election. Other serious issues were touched on but mostly went nowhere. Those hoping for a serious examination of tax policy, economic rebuilding or healthcare were disappointed. “Under this President we’ve become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided and more violent,” Mr Biden claimed. “It is what it is because you are what you are.” Mr Trump responded: “In 47 months, I’ve done more than you did in 47 years, Joe … There’s nothing smart about you.”
Mr Trump tried to play the man, not the ball, injecting Mr Biden’s son, Hunter, into proceedings. The President also dodged a direct question about whether it was true that he paid just $US750 in federal tax in 2016 and 2017, insisting he paid “millions of dollars”. The crucial issue of the pandemic gained little momentum. The contenders bounced from subject to subject. And Mr Trump let Mr Biden get away with his claim that he has a plan to deal with the COVID-19 crisis without saying what it is.
Mr Trump drew out Mr Biden on the extent to which he is a puppet of the far left, including militant elements in the Democratic Party, and would do their bidding if he won by opposing police funding and law enforcement. But it was lost amid the name-calling. “Your party is socialist, and they’re going to dominate you, Joe,” Mr Trump said. “I am the Democratic Party right now,” Mr Biden shot back.
Asked about the violence in US cities and whether he would condemn white supremacist groups, Mr Trump responded “Sure.” But he added: “Almost everything I see is from the left wing. Not from the right wing.” A white supremacist group called Proud Boys should “stand back, stand by”, he said, a remark that drew condemnation from black groups. Mr Biden foolishly claimed the far-left anarchist movement Antifa was “an idea, not an organisation”.
Mr Biden committed no major gaffes. And with such low expectations of him, he did not have to do much beyond get through the 90 minutes. The immediate US media narrative was that Mr Trump’s nasty bullying would alienate many voters. But amid the uncertainties of US politics there is no certainty it will. It also could have the opposite effect and invigorate his base, boosting their determination to keep Mr Biden out of the White House. At times, Mr Biden also looked nasty, and weak. The encounter did not confirm Mr Trump’s portrayal of his challenger as “Sleepy Joe”, on performance-enhancing drugs, barely able to put a sentence together. With Mr Biden well ahead in pre-debate polls, Mr Trump wanted a game changer. He did not get it. US voters are entitled to more than another slanging match when the pair face off again on October 16.
US voters have good reason to be disappointed in Tuesday’s first election debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. What was widely hoped for 33 days out from the election was a respectful, if robust, exchange about vital policy issues and US leadership amid one of the greatest health and economic crises of our times. Instead, as Paul Kelly described it, they got “a spiteful, chaotic, abusive, often-out-of-control brawling encounter” that displayed “the reckless deterioration of American political life and the collapse of respect for civic life”.