Mockery made of human rights
Hypocrisy is the key word. Last week Mr Zhao seized on the Brereton report and said it pointed to “the hypocrisy of some Western countries who like to consider themselves as guardians of human rights and freedom”. All those around the world who have been following the fate of Hong Kong’s democracy activists and the incarcerated Uighurs in mainland China — and all those who fear for the freedom of Taiwan — know exactly why the Chinese Communist Party would like people to believe that universal aspirations of freedom and humanity are rendered hollow by shameful actions. The truth is the opposite, in the same way that nothing is a better reminder of the need to be vigilant and to maintain the rule of law than outbreaks of law-breaking or corruption.
It’s significant that Ms Zakharova said “the circumstances (of the Brereton report allegations) make us truly doubt the genuine capacity of Australian authorities to actually hold accountable all the servicemen who are guilty of such crimes”. Vladimir Putin’s Russia is notorious for the impunity enjoyed by organised crime, official corruption and, so it is alleged, state-sanctioned murder. In October Russia withdrew from talks with Australia and The Netherlands over the long-frustrated attempt to bring accountability to the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014 by a Russian-made missile fired from territory held by pro-Russian rebels. All those on board died, among them 38 Australians.
In stark contrast to Russia’s obfuscation, Australia’s authorities appear to have been open and meticulous in acting on reports from whistleblower soldiers about alleged crimes in Afghanistan. The Brereton report runs to almost 500 pages, represents a serious attempt to find the truth, however the cards may fall, and there is no credible suggestion of any official attempt to sabotage it. And that is how it should be. If the lives of Afghan people have been taken unlawfully, then there must be a reckoning, otherwise it would indeed call into question the principles of justice that Australians hold dear — and which are part of the reason many ethnic Chinese have felt the global pull of migration to our open society.
Indeed, if there is a criticism of Australia’s response to the Brereton report, it’s growing unease about the suggestion that 3000 special forces soldiers — or, in some instances, their bereaved families — ought to be stripped of their meritorious service awards as a form of collective dishonour. The overwhelming majority of these soldiers face no allegations at all and are heroes to whom we should acknowledge an enduring debt. And these soldiers are not alone in observing that the top brass get to keep their medals. This potential unfairness should be more carefully considered so it does not become a distraction from the central issue: the alleged conduct of a few and the imperative to make amends. It’s the calibre of our response to this moral test — not transparent propaganda and misdirection by authoritarians with an agenda — that will determine the effect on our reputation in the world. Both Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are quick to speak of the honour of their regimes and the respect to which they are entitled. Fear can be commanded and dissent can be muffled, but respect is only corroded by propaganda.
First Russia and now China have targeted Australia over the undeniably serious allegations of the Brereton report that our special forces were responsible for the murder of 39 Afghan citizens and prisoners. “This is a truly shocking report,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, also has expressed his ostensible shock, tweeting a fake photo — supposed to represent an Australian special forces soldier slaughtering a child — with the mocking caption: “Don’t be afraid, we are coming to bring you peace.” This is propaganda on both counts. It is part of a power struggle, but the theatre of conflict is not Afghanistan. In a sense, the true target is not even Australia but the civilised international norms to which we subscribe — and, yes, sometimes fall short of.