Mass confusion deepens Victorian Covid damage
A desperate situation calls for desperate measures. But however long it takes for transmissions to taper off — and modelling varies on that point — the costs and pain of stage-four restrictions are being exacerbated as the “state of desperation” degenerated into a state of confusion before and during their first full day.
Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox summed up the frustrations of employers and workers on Thursday when he said business owners were experiencing “mass confusion” about who could operate. Confusion was rife in warehousing, manufacturing, the building trade and other sectors about the permitted worker scheme. Lack of supporting documentation from government and slow updates on some government sites were problematic for businesses. Terminology such as “common sense will prevail” was little comfort for business owners facing $20,000 fines or trying to explain to a police officer why they were open. EY chief executive Tony Johnson said confusion in the Victorian business community in the 48 hours before the stage-four lockdown was unprecedented, with serious concerns centred on supply chains and distribution issues.
In March, during the first wave of the nation’s coronavirus crisis, we pointed out to all governments that prompt and clear communication was vital to encourage public compliance with COVID safety measures. The same principle is even more important now as businesses across Victoria seek to comply with the stage-four economic lockdown. Mixed and inconsistent messaging has left many businesses, workers and even lawyers confused. As a consequence, the community can be more vulnerable to the virus’s effects.
At this stage, Victoria cannot afford any more errors. Premier Daniel Andrews was frank in his mea culpa on Thursday about his government’s botched hotel quarantine scheme: “Mistakes have been made and I will own those errors.” So he should. We acknowledge that the challenges he is grappling with daily are immense. That is why he must not try to operate as a one-man band. Delegation is vital to good government at the best of times and has never been more important than now. Transparency also is important. For instance, the news that a man in his 30s had died from the virus sent fear through parts of the community. Earlier in the pandemic some states released information about pre-existing health conditions of those who succumbed to the virus. Doing so now in Victoria would help the public put the situation in perspective. While people of all ages must take the issue seriously, unnecessary anxiety is not conducive to public morale.
As a priority, Mr Andrews needs to marshal his economic ministers, especially Tim Pallas, and those responsible for transport, industry and agriculture to engage with key sectors of the economy. The practical experience of industries and workers should help inform government decision-making and regulations. Such input should help minimise the impact of stage-four restrictions on business, jobs, supply chains and consumers.
On Wednesday night, the heads of some of Australia’s biggest companies, including the major supermarket chains, discussed their concerns with the Victorian Treasurer. The meeting, reportedly came about after direct intervention by Josh Frydenberg. Business leaders, unsurprisingly, demanded greater clarity from the state government about the restrictions. Supermarket operators warned Scott Morrison that the lockdown across Victoria would lead to national shortages and fresh panic buying, and could force more frequent visits to the shops, which is contrary to the need of public health. Their concerns, including over meat supply, need to be addressed.
The benefits of consultation were clear, as Ewin Hannan reports, when the threat by builders to shut most of the state’s construction industry was averted after the Andrews government agreed to allow specialist trades and equipment to move between building sites up to three times a week. The nation is facing its third consecutive quarter of negative growth, with the Victorian lockdown to slash $10bn to $12bn from national quarterly output by the end of September. The Andrews government has no margin for error.
If Victoria were a country, the increase in its COVID-19 caseload since late June, 570 per cent, would rank as the 13th-highest in the world, slightly worse than Madagascar, Angola and Libya.