Anthony Albanese vs Peter Dutton on October 7: Our condolences, Israel, a political row has taken over

Politics has trumped good intentions and only served to deepen divisions that have grown so terribly in Australia since the October 7 Hamas massacre of 1200 Israelis last year. Instead of a solemn anniversary serving to help stem the fear of Australian Jews and ease the anxiety of Australian Muslims, the bitter, corrosive political battle has only intensified and Labor’s position has become more confused.
Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton inevitably split over a proposed bipartisan motion, with the Prime Minister rejecting the Opposition Leader’s Sunday proposal that condemned the terror attacks, expressed support for Israel and mourned the victims.
Albanese’s alternative, to which the government would not accept amendments, condemned the terror attacks but extended the motion beyond a memorial to a call for de-escalation of hostilities in Gaza and Lebanon, a ceasefire and a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.
Neither leader could or would accept the other’s alternative.
After three days of exchanges between the leaders, Albanese could not accept Dutton’s version of a memorial statement acceptable to Jewish leaders and Dutton would not accept Labor’s broad version. Nor would Dutton accept splitting the motion into condolences and a broader statement on the Middle East to be passed on the same day.
Pressured from the Greens’ anti-Israel sentiment, Labor MPs appealing to Muslim constituents, Jewish leaders demanding moral clarity, growing public concern about increasing pro-Palestinian protest and Dutton’s demands for strong, clear action, Albanese delivered a response that failed to satisfy anyone.
Albanese could not accept Dutton’s restricted memorial wording because it would not be accepted by Labor MPs despite apparent shifts in the government’s position, with Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles adopting a US-style cry that Israeli had a “right to respond” to missile attacks and Mark Butler’s unequivocal appeal to fight anti-Semitism.
Dutton, with the moral and political initiative, would not accept Albanese’s alternative in two face-to-face meetings on Tuesday morning. The upshot was an unprecedented parliamentary development where a memorial motion could not be agreed.
What’s more, Dutton accused Albanese of breaching a long tradition of Labor and Liberal leaders – including Bob Hawke, John Howard, Paul Keating, Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard – on such a motion and of doing so for domestic political advantage.
Julian Leeser, a Liberal Jewish MP, said the government’s insistence on a broader motion – which included Labor’s call for a timetable for a Palestinian state without the necessary involvement of Israel – could not be supported.
“We wanted to see a bipartisan resolution, but there’s too much difference in what this motion suggests in relation to the foreign policy of each side of this House,” Leeser said.
“We can’t have a ceasefire at the moment that would allow terrorist organisations – that we list as terrorist organisations in our own country – to regroup and reform and continue to attack innocent civilians.”
This is a horrendous political rift with people on both sides shocked, numbed and angry with what they faced on the floor of the parliament.
It is clear Dutton wanted to take the initiative on Saturday and pin Albanese to the decline in government support as violent protests turned the public against the pro-Palestinian movement.
It was equally clear that the Prime Minister would not allow a motion to be passed that isolated the Israeli pain and did not mention the suffering in Gaza and Lebanon.
There is now a clear and ongoing division – politically motivated – that is going to keep the social unrest alive for months to come.
For the first time, a proposed bipartisan parliamentary condolence motion has been supplanted by the ugly division of daily politics and thus guaranteed the horrific social rift of the past year will continue.