Consult your family to improve the work-life balance
IN the past 10 years a huge body of research and commentary has focused on the issue of work-life balance.
DURING the past 10 years, a huge body of research and commentary has focused on the issue of work-life balance to try to address the concerns relating to physical and mental health problems from overwork, the need for more flexible work practices to accommodate the modern family, combined with growing organisational demands for greater accountability, transparency and deliverables.
This dichotomous split between work and life is perhaps misplaced, and the discussion instead needs to be on life balance. Work is sometimes portrayed as the villain, encroaching on family and discretionary time — which on occasions is definitely the case — but it also comes down to difficulties some individuals have in prioritising their lives. Some people are simply trying to do too much with finite time.
I have recently turned to family balance. Through my own experiences and those of other professionals with children, striking a balance between work demands, relationship needs, ageing parents, health, children’s sport and other parenting obligations can be a genuine challenge. We use the term work-life balance as a shorthand to summarise this time tension, when the equation is actually far more complicated — but the solution does not need to be.
To strike a family balance may require parents to create guidelines they will endeavour to work towards. It may require sacrifice and compromise, but the outcome will be what we all aspire to, which is time to devote to the important areas in our lives.
From my experience working with groups of middle managers and senior leaders across Australia and New Zealand, the personal discussions needed to achieve this balance seem few and far between.
Here are some suggestions for achieving a better family balance. If both parents are working it is important that they are both clear about what they want from their jobs and where they see their careers heading. This may be only for the next 12 months or three to five years, but it provides a frame of reference.
These career plans need to be married together to see if both can be achieved and what supports or concessions may be required from the other person.
The third part of the equation involves developing a family plan whereby parents consider what they want for each member of the family and the unit as a whole. Although this may seem a mechanical process it is important to remember we are trying to balance the following:
• How much time family members will devote to work ... at work and at home.
• Allowing sufficient time to parent and guide children.
• Ensuring everyone gets enough sleep.
• Setting aside time to maintain important relationships.
• Discussing the time devoted to sport, recreation and leisure.
• Considering the time for spiritual or reflective pursuits.
This is just a fraction of the events that impact on a busy family. Trying to balance these factors may lead to a revision of goals.
To keep families on track, it is important to reflect and review goals annually and be completely honest about ambitions. The process also serves to clarify for parents and children what they want to achieve each day.
Scott Way is director of organisation development at BDO.