Many of the areas under attack by Trump are loosely (and often inaccurately) combined under the “woke” and “political correctness” banners. The debate between Trump and Harris on these issues will be vigorous.
The Republican position has been set out in incredible detail in its 2024 Platform. In Australia, the last time a challenger put out such a detailed policy was John Hewson’s Fightback, but Hewson lost the 1993 election against Paul Keating when he stumbled on the detail. That will be Trump’s challenge.
Of course, Trump may disassociate himself from some of the policies in the Republican manifesto, but the theme is very clear, and he is already following it.
The base Trump platform is that he will tap America’s vast reserves of gas oil and coal and substantially lower energy costs, so reducing inflation and mortgage interest rates.
Closely linked to that policy is the end of the mandated electric car targets. Harris will fight that Trump policy on the basis of climate change and the environment, seeking to attract young people into voting. It will be a world defining debate.
Trump plans a virtual GST on imports via tariffs and being very severe on China, including bans on Chinese electric cars. He will use that money to keep the US corporate tax rate at around 20 per cent (Harris will advocate a big jump), plus other spending benefits, including helping new homeowners and medical costs.
Administration costs in Washington will be slashed, and the money spent in the community. Hatred of Trump in Washington is deep and embraces parts of US media.
There will be enormous investment in US supply chain manufacturing, which much of which was wiped out by Chinese imports.
The world of free trade is greatly reduced. China, which built up its manufacturing base to supply the US, will be hit hard, particularly in electric cars. China is our biggest customer, so we will also suffer. Harris will also be tough on China, but nothing like Trump.
Trump will send the illegal migrants (they are called aliens) back across the border. Often they are currently housed in luxury accommodation. Veterans will replace them and receive much better treatment.
This is a part of a return to US patriotism, which will be an essential part of the teaching for any schools wanting federal government money.
Trump plans a US educational revolution, which will be opposed by Harris. The US led the teaching of liberal education ideas. Under Trump, they will lead the world into reversing it.
Here are just some of the Republican education plans including ending teacher tenure, adopting merit pay, restoring parental rights in education, suspend violent students and support homeschooling.
Emphasis will be placed on teaching fundamentals like reading, history, science, and maths and, not “left wing propaganda”. Trump will defund schools that engage in ‘inappropriate political indoctrination’.
In the US, like many parts of Australia, tertiary art courses have become politically left wing. The Republican policy promises to restore classic Liberal art courses
The hard left US Federal Department of Education will be abolished.
This is a monumental change to American education and will be supported by many US families but will be opposed by Harris. It will be a big underlying issue.
Harris will also fight the Trump moves to make abortion harder, embracing the “women’s right to control of her body” campaign theme. She will be opposed by those who see abortion as murder.
On the question of gender, the Trump campaign promises to stop “men” participating in women’s sport. This will be vigorously opposed by the LGBT group. If the US moves in the Trump direction, it will be a defining stand in global women's sport.
It is expected that Harris will concentrate her fight in the swing states with her greatest focus on in the environment and abortion given her Californian background, almost certainly the question of LGBT issues will be big in her campaign.
While the world concentrates on trade and energy issues, this will be an election about the nature of the US society.
Here are some extracts from the Republican policy statement that captures the theme
A Trump government will create a “culture that values the sanctity of marriage, the blessings of childhood, the foundational role of families, and supports working parents …
“Restores safety in our neighbourhoods by replenishing police departments, restoring common sense policing, and protecting officers from frivolous lawsuits.
“We will stand up to Marxist prosecutors, vigorously defend the right of every American to live in peace, and we will compassionately address homelessness to restore order to our streets …
“End luxury housing and taxpayer benefits for illegal immigrants, and use those savings to shelter and treat homeless veterans … restore Trump administration reforms to expand Veterans’ Healthcare Choices …”
“Republicans condemn antisemitism, and support revoking visas of foreign nationals who support terrorism and jihadism. We will hold accountable those who perpetrate violence against Jewish people.”
The looming battle between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will define future world patterns not just in trade and energy but in education, the environment, migration, parental rights, abortion, gender, religion and other social issues.