

ABC issues clarification, reaches settlement over Kellie-Jay Keen portrayal

The ABC has published a clarification and reached a confidential settlement with Kellie-Jay Keen, in a turn of events which could have implications for the defamation cases against John Pesutto.

In questions to John Pesutto, ABC 7.30 host Sarah Ferguson referred to British activist Kellie-Jay Keen as ‘a woman with Neo-Nazi and far right associations’. Picture: ABC
In questions to John Pesutto, ABC 7.30 host Sarah Ferguson referred to British activist Kellie-Jay Keen as ‘a woman with Neo-Nazi and far right associations’. Picture: ABC

The ABC has been forced to publish a clarification, conceding that viewers of a 7.30 interview with Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto “may have understood the interview to suggest” that UK gender critical feminist Kellie-Jay Keen “has associations with neo-Nazis”.

In a turn of events which is likely to have implications for Federal Court defamation cases being pursued against Mr Pesutto by Ms Keen, expelled Liberal MP Moira Deeming, and fellow activist Angela Jones, the public broadcaster has reached a confidential out of court settlement with Ms Keen.

The March 2023 interview was conducted just over a week after Ms Keen, Ms Deeming and Ms Jones hosted a “Let Women Speak” rally, which was gatecrashed by neo-Nazis, and the evening after the Liberal partyroom had voted to suspend Ms Deeming from the party for her role in the rally.

In her questions to Mr Pesutto in the interview, 7.30 host Sarah Ferguson referred to Ms Keen as “the organiser of the rally, and this is someone with very clear, for our audience, very clear far right associations, many of which you detailed in the dossier that you presented to your own party room.”

Ahead of the partyroom meeting at which Ms Deeming was suspended, Mr Pesutto had circulated a highly controversial 15-page dossier of ­social media screenshots and media reports — mostly relating to Ms Keen — accusing the MP of ­“organising, promoting and participating in a rally with speakers and other organisers who have been publicly associated with far right-wing extremist groups including neo-Nazi activists” — claims Ms Keen, Ms Deeming and their lawyers refute.

Moira Deeming and Kellie-Jay Keen outside Victorian parliament on the day of the infamous Let Women Speak rally. Picture: YouTube
Moira Deeming and Kellie-Jay Keen outside Victorian parliament on the day of the infamous Let Women Speak rally. Picture: YouTube

Ferguson also separately referred to Ms Keen as “a woman with neo-Nazi and far right associations.”

While she did not refer to Ms Keen by name in the interview itself, Ferguson described the UK activist in her introduction to the interview as “controversial UK figure, Kellie-Jay Keen, an anti-trans activist associated with the far-right”.

In a statement published on the ABC’s website on Wednesday afternoon, and referring to Ms Keen’s alternative alias, “Posie Parker”, the public broadcaster stated: “On 27 March 2023, the ABC broadcast a 7.30 interview with Victorian opposition leader John Pesutto.”

“That interview referred to the organisers of the “Let Women Speak” event held in Melbourne earlier that month and included a social media post by ‘Posie Parker’,” the statement read.

“Some viewers may have understood the interview to suggest that Kellie-Jay Keen, who was not named in the interview, who organised the Melbourne ‘Let Women Speak’ event, has associations with neo-Nazis.

“The ABC understands Ms Keen denies any association with neo-Nazis and the ABC does not endorse any imputation that may have been conveyed to that effect.”

Ms Deeming, Ms Keen, Katherine Deves and Angela Jones speaking on Ms Keen’s YouTube channel following the infamous Let Women Speak rally. Picture: YouTube
Ms Deeming, Ms Keen, Katherine Deves and Angela Jones speaking on Ms Keen’s YouTube channel following the infamous Let Women Speak rally. Picture: YouTube

Both Ms Keen and Ms Jones are being represented by the Alexander Rashidi Lawyers team of barrister Bridie Nolan and lawyer, former Liberal candidate and outspoken critic of recent changes to transgender laws, Katherine Deves, who was also a “Let Women Speak” participant.

Ms Deves welcomed the ABC’s response to the concerns notice they were issued a month ago.

“I was pleased with the professional and efficient way with which the ABC dealt with Ms Keen’s concerns, when confronted with her refutation of the claims made by Mr Pesutto,” Ms Deves said.

“Had all parties to whom Ms Keen had issued concerns notices dealt with them in the same way, it is highly unlikely that these matters would be taking up valuable court time.”

Federal Court Justice Michael Wheelahan is due to hold a case management hearing regarding the actions being brought against Mr Pesutto by Ms Keen, Ms Deeming and Ms Jones on Thursday morning.

A source close to Ms Deeming said they hoped the ABC’s response “would provide an opportunity for (Ms Deeming’s) Liberal Party colleagues to reassess the justifications put to them — and still standing under the Liberal Party logo — which were used to justify her expulsion.”

Mr Pesutto’s office declined to comment.

Kellie-Jay Keen calls for ‘full apology’ from John Pesutto

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