Is your workplace happy? Enter the awards and find out
The Australian is on the hunt to find the very best places to work. There are only a few weeks left to enter. So be quick.
The Australian, powered by global employee experience platform WorkL, is looking for the Best Places to Work in Australia. Is your organisation one of them?
There are only a few weeks left to enter The Australian Best Places to Work 2024, recognising the Best Places to Work in Australia. In partnership with employee experience survey and data experts, WorkL, The Australian is on the hunt to find the very best places to work for across employee engagement and wellbeing.
WorkL, which has the largest employee sentiment database globally, has collected data on more than 8000 organisations in Australia about how employees feel at work. Data shows that working in Australia comes with a relatively lower wellbeing risk when compared to other countries such as the UK. In 2023, the country’s overall wellbeing risk is 31 per cent (2 percentage points lower than the UK) and on par with the global average.
The flight risk score, which measures the likelihood of an employee leaving their role in the next nine months, for disabled employees in Australia is 34 per cent, 2 percentage points higher than the global average of 32 per cent. Men have a much lower flight risk (24 per cent) compared to women (31 per cent) in Australia and managers in Australia are 6 per cent happier at work than non-managers.
The Australian economy rebounded robustly in the wake of the pandemic, but inflation has risen and fiscal pressures are on the horizon. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to look after your existing employees to retain them and make sure your organisation is recognised for being a brilliant place to work.
Why enter the awards?
• Opportunity to be recognised by The Australian as a best place to work and help attract, recruit and retain employees.
• It’s quick – takes no more than 10 minutes to enter, and it is budget friendly. questions. The fee for entering the awards starts at just $1400 for organisations.
• Receive immediate survey results and data once the survey closes.
• Receive customised dashboard and data from global employee experience platform WorkL about how your employees are feeling about your organisation, including flight risk, net promoter score, employee matrices and an option to add Instant Action SoftwareTM, word clouds and filtering responses.
The last date to enter and submit your survey is May 31. Don’t miss out!
Visit to enter. To find out more, contact theaustralianbestplaces
Entries are now open for The Australian Best Places to Work 2024. Organisations have the chance to be recognised across the following categories:
● Best Places to Work: Small Organisation (10-49 employees)
● Best Places to Work: Medium Organisation (50-249 employees)
● Best Places to Work: Big Organisation (250-1999 employees)
● Best Places to Work: Very Big Organisation (2000+ employees)
● Best Places to Work for women
● Best Places to Work for disabled employees
● Best Places to Work for ethnic minority employees
● Best Places to Work for LGBTQA+ employees
● Best Places to Work for 16 to 34-year-olds
● Best Places to Work for 55+ year-olds
● Best Places to Work for employee wellbeing
The last date to enter The Australian Best Places to Work and submit your survey is May 31. Don’t miss out!
Visit to enter. To find out more, contact