Melburnians are becoming ‘relaxed’ about face masks: Epidemiologist
Pressure is mounting for one virus rule to be relaxed significantly in Melbourne, with an infectious disease expert saying ‘the sooner the better’.
Melburnians are becoming relaxed about face masks and as the weather warms, pressure is mounting to reduce their wear in certain situations, an epidemiologist says.
It comes as Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton on Sunday flagged a transition from universal mask wearing to just wearing them in high-risk settings, such as indoors, at the “appropriate time”.
Deakin University epidemiology chair Catherine Bennett says people are starting to make their own decisions about where they feel wearing a mask is useful.
“It’s always a risk and, if the weather gets warmer, people will find them less comfortable, and as the numbers go down – great news – but at the same time I think we’re seeing more people now starting to relax and wear them below the nose, if not below the chin,” Professor Bennett told radio 3AW on Monday.
“We are reaching that point where there is still a place for them. It still does help us, should there still be virus out there spreading in your community that you don’t know about.
“It just reduces the risk that bit.”
Professor Bennett expected that given the chief health officer’s indications, rules on masks wearing would move in time to focus on high-risk zones only, such as indoors and public transport.
“I think probably the sooner, the better,” she said.
“The weather’s ticking up to 29 this week. The pressure’s on now to say, ‘Let’s pull it back, but get it right in those areas where it still really can help’.”
As Melburnians enjoyed their first weekend of freedom since hospitality and retail reopened, Professor Sutton flagged a move from universal mask wearing.
“Clearly we will be transitioning … from universal mask wearing to maybe indoors only to maybe just high-risk settings at the appropriate time,” he told reporters on Sunday.
“But masks are a small impost for the individual, for us collectively, to get us to the freedoms that we’re all looking for and beginning to enjoy.
“It’s madness to give up on some of these small imposts when they’re exactly the thing that are getting us these zero days and are getting us to the summer that we want and the summer that we should have.”
Professor Sutton said if two people together were wearing masks, and one was infected, it could reduce the chance of transmission by at least half.
Victorian Transport Minister Jacinta Allan said masks have proven to be an important and effective tool to slow the virus’ spread.
“For the foreseeable future mask wearing will be with us, because we know it can slow the spread of the virus, we know it’s a very easy way that we can all take responsibility and play a part in slowing the spread of the virus,” Ms Allan told reporters on Monday.
“The really strong case point here is what happened in Shepparton a few weeks ago where the virus had clearly been in that community for a period of time and that community had been very carefully and vigilantly wearing masks.
“As a result, we saw very few case numbers which could have been a very different scenario.”
Failure to wear a mask in public draws a $200 fine unless you have a valid exemption.
Victoria recorded no new coronavirus cases or deaths on Saturday, Sunday or Monday.