US changes may benefit our unis
Our universities’ extensive links with American partners could come in handy amid turmoil in the US sector.
Our universities’ extensive links with American partners could come in handy amid turmoil in the US sector.
Climate change, robot workers, popularism … the world is changing and graduates must be ready for the challenges.
Marxism has its roots in western economics, Christianity is an eastern religion. So what exactly is Western civilisation?
The merger of two South Australian universities would reduce competition because of the areas in which the institutions compete.
Universities are more open than ever to a broader section of the community, but with more enrolments comes more drop outs.
The widening gap between higher education and VET suggests a serious rethink of the structure of tertiary education is overdue.
With regional unis working hard to support disadvantaged students, they fear a simplistic approach to funding reviews.
Alison Harcourt had to abandon her research after she got married, but eventually returned to uni as a tutor.
With Siri able to announce every fact available, is it time for an almighty shake-up of the education system?
There is unnecessary apprehension and fear about AI because technological change is usually for the good, says new report.
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