Doublethink of civil libertarians
Defending the free speech of those with whom you disagree is so last century.
Defending the free speech of those with whom you disagree is so last century.
The use of Eurydice Dixon’s murder by ideologues to denigrate all men is a reprehensible distraction to advance their personal agendas.
Another Ned Kelly film? Yes, but this one’s different. It’s about a self-aggrandising parasite who murdered three policemen.
If a university can teach victimhood-obsessed gender studies, surely it can’t hurt to provide balance with a degree on Western civilisation?
It’s time we acknowledged the tendency of indigenous and non-indigenous Australians alike to whitewash their respective histories.
Is there any tragedy so horrific that some self-righteous windbag will not exploit it? Not if the reaction to the Margaret River shooting is any indication.
The continued failure to address a culture of arrogance and self-indulgence will have catastrophic repercussions at the ABC.
Victoria Police is facing its biggest crisis in public confidence since the outbreak of the Kelly Gang.
The race discrimination commissioner is nearing the end of his term, so let’s take a look at his record on calling out racism.
The answer to the title of Yassmin Abel-Magied’s autobiography Who Do You Think I Am? — which at times reads more like an adolescent diary — is obvious.
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