All the right moves
JULIE Bishop’s a canny operator, and warmer than her “death stare” image suggests. So what can we expect from our first female foreign minister?
JULIE Bishop’s a canny operator, and warmer than her “death stare” image suggests. So what can we expect from our first female foreign minister?
THE country’s leader is soothing public concerns with a campaign of public self-criticism.
JUST days after being sworn in as Australia’s first woman Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop is in the thick of it.
THE row over PNG’s nationalisation of the Ok Tedi copper and goldmine is hotting up.
TOUGH times lie ahead for the bond markets in emerging East Asia, the Asian Development Bank has warned.
THE nation needs foreign capital and expertise to grow and nationalisation is the wrong way to go.
IMMIGRATION Minister Scott Morrison briefed his Nauruan counterpart on the Coalition’s fast-tracked offshore processing last night.
THE Australian and PNG treasurers have agreed to explore refocusing Australia’s aid on several high-impact projects.
RUNNING a business no longer resembles conducting a symphony orchestra — it’s more like improvising in a jazz group.
THE government has been urged to boost the low number of guest workers from the Pacific.
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