Donald Trump has amassed a war chest equivalent to 70 per cent of national GOP groups. But he can’t spend his PACs’ millions on 2024 and isn’t using much in midterms.
Since day one, the US President tried to limit fossil-fuel supplies, and it’s making life harder for ordinary Americans. Because of that, there will be hell for Democrats to pay come November.
Georgia governor Brian Kemp showed how to rise above a president who is dragging you and the party down.
The ex-president’s pick barely won his primary, showing the risks of endorsement.
Even Democratic strategists admit the midterms will be disastrous. A long list of variables will determine if 2022 is more of a freeway pileup or Krakatoa.
The Wall Street JournalFocus on the Democratic Party’s national record, she and Obama advise. It’s an unpopular record.
The Ukrainian president asks Biden and US congress to ‘keep justice in history’ and help against Russian aggression.
We may be about to witness the largest land war in Europe since 1945. The question is, can America still lead with the strength and determination the world needs? Or will weakness and indecision lead to the humiliation of the West.
The GOP has a duty to condemn the riot and those who refuse to acknowledge it. On this anniversary, here’s a simple thought experiment: What if the other side had done it?
Progressives urge a more aggressive left-wing agenda. My advice: Please try it.