Griffith youths accused of killing ‘stranger’
TO the two 15-year-old boys accused of murdering Andrew Farrugia, the 17-year-old schoolboy was the “perfect stranger”.
TO the two 15-year-old boys accused of murdering Andrew Farrugia, the 17-year-old schoolboy was the “perfect stranger”.
SCIENCE graduates, many of them headed for teaching careers, are leaving university carrying a HECS debt equal to that of engineers and accountants – despite the vast difference in the salaries they can expect to earn.
A DAUGHTER of former NSW Liberal premier John Fahey has been killed after being thrown from her car in an early-morning road accident.
TWO suspicious mail items – one found yesterday at John Howard’s Sydney office block, the other near his office at Canberra’s Parliament House – caused a stir but not much else after they were found to be harmless.
SINCE moving from Sudan to Australia two years ago, Henry Tombek has tried to live life “the Australian way”.
YOUNG Muslim leader Iktimal Hage-Ali has described her distress at having to relinquish her NSW Young Australian of the Year title after revelations that she was caught up in drug raids in western Sydney last month.
LAWYERS for convicted child killer John Lewthwaite believe their client has been “set up” by authorities who want him to remain behind bars until after the NSW state election in March.
MELISSA Hawach is living every mother’s nightmare. She hasn’t seen her two young daughters since July, when her estranged husband took them on a holiday to Australia from their home in Canada, and never returned.
A MASSIVE rise in the number of armed robberies in inner Sydney may be the result of the growing use of the drug ice.
AUSTRALIAN troops were preparing last night to enter Tonga, following bloody riots in the country’s capital that claimed at least eight lives and left the central business district in ruins.
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