Wong plays with fire in ‘worst speech of her life’
The Foreign Minister’s address to the UN was stuffed with performative rhetoric designed to win back key Labor seats, says Greg Sheridan.
The Foreign Minister’s address to the UN was stuffed with performative rhetoric designed to win back key Labor seats, says Greg Sheridan.
The Foreign Minister’s UN speech was monumentally divorced from reality, and morally obnoxious in its treatment of Israel. It was utterly unworthy of her, and unworthy of Australia.
Israel wants to change the structure of the security environment it faces and it wants the US Vice President locked in.
Despite the polls being maddening in their cross-grained complexity, they all indicate the contest for the Oval Office is exceptionally tight. With everything still in play and everything counting, this is how it could go.
Israel is trying to reshape its medium-term strategic environment, and it is doing this by posing hard questions to Hezbollah, to Iran and to the Biden administration.
It’s impossible to say anything more unfashionable than the next sentence, which is nonetheless true: when the dust settles, it will be the Netanyahu/Trump approach that offers the best chance of peace. But that’s a long way off right now.
The Quadrilateral leaders’ summit in Delaware has broadcast a loud and resounding message of weakness, timidity, irresolution and pervasive lameness to China and the rest of the world.
Nothing is failing in Western societies more completely, and more tragically, than school education. We’ve sub-let our thinking out to algorithms, and in the process all but abolished deep learning, while embracing the terror of the screens. But there’s a way back.
One central question: do the device blasts signal that Israel is about to take more decisive action against Hezbollah, or is it a complete episode in itself?
Democrats routinely tell the most appalling, extremist lies about Trump. Trump is a brash, crude, often offensive and even chaotic politician. But he’s not the author of American fascism.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/greg-sheridan/page/4