Labor ‘creating a rental famine’
Liberal senator warns Labor’s proposed negative gearing changes will leave struggling young Australians exposed to rent increases.
Liberal senator warns Labor’s proposed negative gearing changes will leave struggling young Australians exposed to rent increases.
Bill Shorten is facing a new push by militant unionists to shelve his republic plebiscite in favour of an indigenous voice.
The government’s two key economic committee chairs have come out against the over-regulation of the banks.
Banks need to do more to support grassroot and high-performance sports, according sport chiefs.
Liberal frontbencher Sussan Ley has urged the party to introduce quotas “as soon as possible” to fix an image problem.
Australian sport will fall behind emerging nations over the next decade unless there is a ‘material increase’ in funding.
Barnaby Joyce and Vikki Campion charged taxpayers $6000-plus to travel to a pro-live sheep export forum in Western Australia.
Liberal assistant ministers Sarah Henderson and Linda Reynolds have pushed back against claims the party is anti-women.
An energy expert says the federal government is yet to ‘crack the back’ of high electricity prices, despite standing offer discounts.
Liberal MP Luke Howarth hits back at supporters of Malcolm Turnbull who blame him for sparking the leadership spill.
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