If this is feminism in 2021, I want none of it
Female engineers: good. Cheerleaders: bad. Who are these moral arbiters wielding the axe on ‘acceptable’ women’s jobs?
Female engineers: good. Cheerleaders: bad. Who are these moral arbiters wielding the axe on ‘acceptable’ women’s jobs?
If there’s one thing this pandemic has stripped bare, it is just how inept the risk-management capability of the states really is.
The art of respectful dissent in our national discourse has been killed by people screaming tolerance as they pull the trigger.
Changing a word in our national anthem is well intentioned, but the states’ Covid response shows we are anything but one.
Sensible, everyday Australians who normally would not blink at the thought of getting a jab are not just blinking, they’re baulking.
The message from her own side was clear. Either subscribe to the narrative, Tanya, or don’t sit with us at lunch time.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/gemma-tognini/page/15