Putin, Xi profit from media’s climate myopia
Much of the Western world’s media is so tied up in environmental campaigning it can’t even see the trap many democracies are sleepwalking towards.
Much of the Western world’s media is so tied up in environmental campaigning it can’t even see the trap many democracies are sleepwalking towards.
Voters in much of suburban Australia won’t hold Scott Morrison personally responsible for disasters they know would have happened whichever party was in power.
Never have so many sweeping global forecasts been published with so little evidence as during the first week of Russia’s invasion.
The Juukan fiasco has put the spotlight on BHP’s giant Olympic Dam project, its use of Great Artesian Basin water and its failure to settle with native-title claimants.
Many at the Nine newspapers were starry-eyed about their local tech hero bidding for an old-fashioned power company so he could close down its coal-fired generators ahead of time.
Malcolm Turnbull almost lost office in 2016 when he campaigned on ‘jobs and growth’ without turning the blowtorch on Bill Shorten. Scott Morrison must not make the same mistake.
If Morrison pulls off another miracle win it will be largely because many in the media have no idea what really matters to most working Australians.
Recent National Press Club functions gave viewers a rare insight into the pack mentality of some reporters.
While the sheer numbers of cases have produced high numbers of hospitalisations and deaths compared with previous Covid waves, there has been far too little media focus on the good news.
Why bother digging out difficult facts when journalists can earn ‘likes’ for writing about your fears?
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/chris-mitchell/page/13