Spare us another chapter of ginger and the whinger
Meet the new king and queen of celebocracy: where wokeness is snobbery in PC clothing.
Meet the new king and queen of celebocracy: where wokeness is snobbery in PC clothing.
Authoritarianism is well dressed now. It’s polite and speaks in a soft voice. It is delivered not via a soldier’s boot to the cranium but with a caring liberal head-tilt.
Forget all this phobia nonsense – it’s freedom people need. In Iran and everywhere else.`
To the woke ayatollahs of the trans movement and its noisy allies in the media, the Harry Potter author is what Salman Rushdie is to Islamists.
The violent reaction in Sweden to the vulgar utterings of an anti-Islam politician is a physical manifestation of woke sensibilities.
When it comes to being an outsider, bearing racism and barbs, Philip knew much more than Meghan ever could.
The political atmosphere in Britain in the wake of Harry and Meghan’s explosive chat with Oprah is strange, censorious and unsettling.
Covid hero Captain Tom Moore achieved many things, laying waste to woke predjudices and reminding the left that old white men can give a great deal to society.
We need some perspective on Thursday’s events, to ensure an illiberal response doesn’t end up threatening democracy more than the event itself. I fear it will, and soon.
The 70 million people who voted for Trump are revolting against the new elites. We should listen.
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